Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 You know , but we 're ever so excited it because we 've sold some , or we get him a , and we get excited by this , and he knows we 're after that .
2 I shall make sure that I send him a copy of my speech tomorrow , which will give detail after detail of what is actually taking place in the valleys .
3 It was suggested at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council that I send you a copy of the objections made by the Parish Council to the siting of a communication mast on land off Higher Lane , Scorton .
4 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
5 I mean once I know what a thing is
6 I 'm glad there 's somebody 's come up with that one because that 's the only time that you say something a little bit different from the number itself .
7 As I said in earlier chapters , though , when you live alone two things are very important — firstly that you love and take care of yourself , and secondly , that you give yourself a treat now and then .
8 So when you 're planning your retirement , make sure that you give yourself a reasonable standard of living in terms of income .
9 If you do not keep a dream diary , I strongly recommend that you give it a try .
10 ‘ You 've won , Leo , ’ she managed quietly , ‘ and I hope with all my heart that you find it a pyrrhic victory . ’
11 ‘ Do I detect from your tone , Chief Superintendent , that you think us a couple of queers ?
12 and er so one night she gave him , come in a bit paralytic , wanted a drink , so she give him a drink with a load of tranquillisers in
13 It could be that you 've never taken your family abroad on holiday , so you set yourself a little objective , that in two years ' time , I want to take them all , even if it 's a damn package deal on a flight to Tenerife , do it , will you feel good , will the family enjoy it ?
14 Thus the philosophical Greeks and the industrious Chinese will do as instances of non-restriction only on condition that we allow ourselves a strangely overgeneralized view of the Greeks and the Chinese .
15 It seems to me clear that the answer has to be yes , provided only that we allow ourselves a sufficiently large series of Ks .
16 Given that artists such as Sonia Boyce , Brenda Agard and Jennifer Comrie were first brought to a wider public 's notice in these exhibitions curated by Lubaina , it is not surprising that we owe her a debt which , given the current backlash against Blackwomen 's Creativity , we fear that we may never be able to repay .
17 They have asked that we give them a similar quantity from each department .
18 We 're on the same pitch then , so we give them a game and that would apply in the Premier League . ’
19 The trouble about that is , it 's now enforced upon us and that 's official target , we have to set priority of fire certificates because we need the money , bluntly , otherwise we have to find it elsewhere , so we give them a priority that they would n't otherwise have .
20 So we teach our daughters that er , er , the first and foremost duty they have to perform in life is to like after your husband and elders and bring up the family , and the economical side , contribution from the er female is secondary , although they claim it a part as well , erm as economically as well .
21 Although they give me a good start for next issue .
22 There is a story that they bet him a substantial sum that he could not read a certain number of books of the Bible without talking .
23 My mum and dad deny that they make them a brew , but when I get home there 's usually 20 dirty cups outside the door . ’
24 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
25 But while the large number of coins means that they give us a large quantity of information , their small size and the consequent brevity of their inscriptions greatly restricts the level of interpretation we can make from them compared with , say , a lengthy edict of a Roman emperor fully inscribed on stone .
26 Safety validation of contractors was another item th that they give you a briefing of the meeting
27 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
28 I do n't know how they can make mistakes like that they send you a letter one minute and then on your rent book 's different .
29 EPC 's expertise brings significant benefits to its members in the water and process industries , and the club 's continuing expansion indicates that they find it a cost-effective extension of in-house resources , as well as a focal point for keeping abreast of developments in the field of effluent treatment .
30 he 's after something , h his apprenticeship so they give him a thousand pound
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