Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I came out of the army and returned to the Bideford Gazette where I had a year of my newspaper apprenticeship still to go .
2 When my brother or I had a fever , my mother or my grandfather used to come here to find leaves or roots to cure it .
3 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
4 A year or so later she told everyone that they must make an annual pilgrimage to that city , where she had a cousin in the catering trade who was prepared to give them all cheap rates , but by that time Rose was losing her grip on the faithful .
5 Editorial assistant Paula Lockey spent a day at Grayshott Hall Health and Fitness Resort where she had a body massage , a reflexology consultation and an hour-long Cathiodermie facial .
6 She arrived at her hotel in Mariánské Láznë early on Thursday afternoon , where she had a snack in her room while she got out Cara 's list and memorised again all the questions she was to put to Mr Vendelin Gajdusek in the morning .
7 I do rather resent it when there are other council committees , there 's Town Hall Strategy Working Party in the afternoon , now if we 're going to be sure that we can all get to this without conflict with other committees , erm I had to be there on behalf of the Lord Mayor because she had duties , erm and I was very sorry not to be able to come , because I have dealt , visited many occupational , I wanted to visit the officers , and you know , it is n't always possible where you have a conflict of interests .
8 The concept goes back at least as far as 1877 when Jessel MR stated in Winn v Bull [ 1877 ] 7 Ch 29 that " where you have a proposal or agreement made in writing expressed to be subject to a formal contract being prepared , it means what it says ; it is subject to and is dependent upon a formal contract being prepared . "
9 It 's not like shopping , where you have a list of — ’
10 Where you have a group of people and a brick comes out of the group and lands on a policeman 's head , then it 's very difficult for the law to attach individual and specific guilt to a particular individual .
11 One of the lads go in front , or you have a travel head lad , you got the spare lads who ride a hack .
12 A duty solicitor had an obligation to provide advice to persons in custody and , if desired , to make a bail application ; he or she had a discretion to provide advice and representation to defendants , whether or not in custody , in cases involving imprisonable offences , and even in connection with non-imprisonable offences in exceptional cases .
13 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
14 What are some things you could do or habits you could develop which would make your partner feel glad he or she has a relationship with you ?
15 We ourselves suggested that , notwithstanding our data , any patient who believes that he or she has a problem with human insulin should resume animal insulin , which we certainly would not wish to see withdrawn .
16 Denial is a psychological defence mechanism by which the sufferer simply does not believe that he or she has a problem , despite all the evidence .
17 Section 5 of the Business Names Act 1985 provides that where a person fails to comply with the requirement set out in s. 5 and thereafter seeks to enforce a business contract with a party in default by means of a court action , ( a ) if the person in default can establish that he or she has a claim against the proprietor , which due to the proprietor 's failure to comply with s. 5 he or she has been unable to pursue , or ( b ) if a breach by the proprietor of s. 5 has caused the person in default some financial loss , the proprietor 's claim shall be dismissed , unless it is ‘ just and equitable ’ that the proprietor should be allowed to continue the action .
18 Roughly , unilateralism provides that the plaintiff must win if he or she has a right to win established in the explicit extension of some legal convention , but that otherwise the defendant must win .
19 He or she has a number of non-teaching hours for work with young people and their families after they leave school .
20 They could sell the shares to a stranger — who might decide he or she has a lot to contribute to the business .
21 Where we had a knickerbocker glo glory .
22 we then drove through Stansted , Bishop 's Stortford and into the Hadhams where we had a cup of coffee with our daughter , then on through several other villages and back home to Royston .
23 Their language frequently evokes the domain of human rights , no more so than in the ‘ Declaration against speciesism ’ , which concluded Chapter I , where we have a transliteration of the US Declaration of 1776 .
24 . Where we have a client who has a need for the first ten years for it looks like a hundred and ninety thousand pounds worth of life cover , at the end of the ten year period , the need is reduced , maybe the children have left home , so sum assu , assured reduces down to , in this case , it looks like to be about fifty thousand for the rest of the time .
25 Let us now consider the requirements of a multiprogramming system , where we have a number of programs occupying main storage and competing for an allocation of time on the processor .
26 ‘ I took her to Anglesey , ’ says Christine , ‘ where we have a house , and where I could concentrate on her completely .
27 The patient will die within a dew days unless either a special machine is used to clean the blood or he/she has a kidney transplant .
28 Unionists did not wish to stand down where they had a candidate of their own ready to fight ; in these circumstances , the NDP did remarkably well in 1918 , winning eleven seats , all in Labour strongholds where neither Unionists nor Coalition Liberals had much desire to stand , and they beat both MacDonald and Henderson .
29 The Conservatives ' worst performances , in contrast , came where they had a majority on the council and there had been a large increase in bills .
30 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
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