Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] look [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wirral LEA decided to recommend me to ICI with the request that I look at management information systems within the site .
2 So it is to them , the creators of American literature , that I look for clarification about the invention and effect of Africanism in the United States .
3 Surprisingly I 'm very interested in that ; I look at fashion magazines more than I look at news magazines .
4 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
5 I say we , for I feel that you look on things in the same way …
6 I must say that you look in health . ’
7 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
8 We sneer at the European Parliament , but it is time that we looked at Europe in other than a partisan way — ’ Ha ha , ha .
9 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
10 Right then we decided that we look at materials and what .
11 Okay so erm I think it 's also very important that we look at gestures .
12 I mean all I , I would like to , to say is that so far as this particular road , whatever you may call it , er is concerned , that we look at highways priorities in this committee and that we would receive an assurance that this would not be bulldozed through , if I may put it that way , erm and opposed to one two three four other major schemes which are perhaps of more importance in terms of highways rather than er a , a corporate objective .
13 The answer to the second question requires that we look at psychosis from a slightly different point of view from that adopted in most medical literature .
14 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
15 It 's now , in our thirties , that we look for change .
16 If we have only indicators what his methodological reasoning suggests is that we look for patterns among indicators which might suggest that we have found something of substance and significance .
17 Distance has no meaning when we are looking at 125 miles so we look at time ; we will paddle for four hours and then have a five minute break .
18 It was hardly surprising that kings wanted solemn oaths from their servants , the bishops , that they looked upon bishoprics as income and that , in line with the symbolic ceremonies of society , they expected to " invest " their appointees and to receive from them solemn oaths of fidelity .
19 When they finally settled in the branches of a tree there were hordes of them , so many that they looked like fruit overburdening their source ‘ ripe to be plucked .
20 I saw them through The Fat Controller 's eyes — they were gauche and dowdy , crammed into suitings so ill-fitting that they looked like bolsters stuffed into pillow cases .
21 There was complete silence as we padded through two more streets with walls so bitten away that they looked like lace .
22 Visitor pressure and the often mindless or downright destructive behaviour of some of the people who come to this area have annoyed some farmers so much that they look on walkers as just another kind of vermin — and there are many times when I can sympathise with this attitude completely .
23 She had suggested that they look at Van Gogh together , setting up another form of repetition , deliberate , contrived and aesthetic .
24 Numbers of young women have told me that they look upon life in quite a different light now that they learn that nature has not been so cruel to them , as to give them but the choice of a married life , in which probably all the highest aims of life must be sacrificed , and the wife reduced to the level of a breeding animal , or a life of celibacy .
25 Vincent Canby in The New York Times felt that the film was often ‘ not terribly funny , at just those moments when it tries the hardest , and it sometimes wears its social concerns so blatantly that they look like warpaint ’ , but concluded that it ‘ is an important movie by one of our most interesting directors ’ .
26 Caterpillars of geometrid moths not only resemble twigs in the colour and texture of their skin , but they grasp a thin branch with their hind claspers and hold themselves up at an angle so that they look like twigs .
27 Elsewhere colours are handled with such delicacy that they look like light projected over the surface , a supposition which is emphatically contradicted by the physical texture of the paint .
28 Down one wall were full-length metal lockers with keys in their locks on the end of long thin chains so they looked like dog-tags .
29 ‘ And make hats for your sweet girls , so they look like ladies , beautiful ladies , cosmopolitan ladies , ladies of elegance and city manners . ’
30 Although it looks like lead , it is only one-third as dense .
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