Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Despondent souls , ’ it was said , ‘ and there are not a few of these , seem to have been struck only by one part of the Führer 's speech : where he spoke of the preparations for the winter campaign in 1942–43 .
2 Sir — It was with deep sadness that I heard of the death of Fred Daly , to date the only Irish winner of The Open .
3 Not that I approve of the way some of the young people were dressed today .
4 so we could have reduced that , and I think that is the criticism that I make of the Conservatives , not that the Conservatives in this council have done that , but that they should be apologizing for it .
5 It was with much regret that I learned of the sad passing of Jack Golder ( Shergold guitars ) on 9th April ‘ 92 , via the obituary published in your June issue .
6 It was from the late Sir Harry Luke , author of that delightful and civilized book The Tenth Muse ( Putnam , 1954 , and revised edition 1962 ) that I learned of the beauty of mulberry ices .
7 It was to be many years later that I learned of the strictures Tata had accepted once he had proposed marriage to my mother , a Roman Catholic .
8 Er well I think the experience that I gained of the the kind of erm living situation erm because I you know we underwent the same kind of difficulties .
9 I said that I couple of the
10 It was , therefore , with sadness that I read of the British Olympic Association 's petty , bigoted decision to withhold recognition of the Paralympics team .
11 That , she knew full well , she could do nothing about , although she disapproved of the whole set-up .
12 She told one foreign reporter that she knew of the rumours and laughed them off , saying , ‘ If my relationship with the General Staff makes me a secret agent , maybe I am ! ’
13 Who better than she knew of the transience of power ?
14 I , I would like to see erm , I do n't know whether this is done , but erm , when the official photographs are taken , they 're done by erm , newspaper area , so that you get of the Lord Lieutenant , the Chief Officer , and the , the man from that area , and that is sent to the local paper , whether , ah
15 Drafts that you made of the report and later improved or discarded should also be retained .
16 well not exact , obviously , I 'm not saying you remembered if it was a Tuesday morning or a Wednesday afternoon , but he gave you instructions according to Mr in February nineteen eighty seven , would it be about that time that you learnt of the instructions ?
17 In his footnote to Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind , J. S. Mill says that it is not ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions ’ that an object produces in us that we predicate of the object .
18 Is the Secretary of State aware that it is almost three years to the day that we heard of the Clapham rail tragedy , which was caused by faulty signalling and negligence ?
19 IT WAS with great sadness that we heard of the death of , at the age of 67 , on April 24 .
20 The highest requires that we think of the international system as a set of norms or purposes which shape the process of history .
21 It is on this account that we talk of the baby 's right to life , much as we would of a normal adult .
22 For all those who sit on European committees , the CAP is the main criticism that we have of the Community 's work .
23 The texts that we have of the whole Canterbury Tales are made up of a number of fragments or groups , which vary in contents from single isolated tales to sequences of several tales connected by link passages .
24 And the , the incredible er spectacle that we have of the endless three , four , five hundred page biography is based on no evidence at all , because we know very very little about this man , except that he was a shareholder in the theatre , a very very minor actor , the sort yes , who would have minded the costumes .
25 It was only as the day wore on that we wearied of the journey and began to be afraid .
26 It was with great sadness that we learned of the death , at 94 , of Ralph Gerstenberg , on 27 September 1993 .
27 The review that we undertook of the calls shows that the peak demands in are between eight A M and twelve midnight , so the four officers will work a sixteen hour duty scheme er of eight till four , four til midnight , and then the cover between midnight and A M will come fr eight A M will come from as it does at present .
28 ‘ Have you thought further on that we spoke of the other evening , Angelina ? ’
29 It is from Boswell that we learn of the height of nun Can , Raasay 's peak on which he danced a Highland reel with old Malcolm Macleod who called him between five and six in the morning to go walking .
30 When most people possessed no clocks or watches but lived more in the countryside than they do today , they took far more note than we do of the various timings associated with plants and animals .
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