Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Where you study matters for four reasons :
2 You do n't let players get to the end of their contracts or you get peanuts for them .
3 Ski better : each winter Judith and Colin McCubbin , BASI instructors based near Bath , head for Davos where they run clinics for people who soon become their friends .
4 Having dealt with Hopkins 's venture , the News of the World 's reporter thumbed through It , where he found advertisements for Psychedelic Review and ‘ editorial matter praising drugs and drugtakers ’ .
5 Unhindered by colour disposition he was able to join Everton Football Club where he won medals for two ‘ League Championships ’ and one ‘ European Cup-Winners Cup ’ .
6 The arguments were fleshed out by the foreign Minister , Selwyn Lloyd , at a NATO Council meeting in December , where he introduced proposals for what became known as the Grand Design .
7 If the truth were known , it is only because I have for so long been lonely that I welcome demands for help .
8 When I explain that I read books for a living , people launch into a frenzy of apologetic explanation : ‘ I do n't have the time ! ’ ;
9 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
10 Although she trained teachers for infant schools , Mason was not in favour of nursery schools , believing that a home education was the best kind .
11 I spoke of fate — surely if you listen to your heart , you will see that she has plans for us that go far beyond the merging of our two practices . ’
12 It is vital that you set limits for the amount of money that you will deposit with each bank .
13 What we were told about that your criminal record is that you had convictions for armed robbery and aggravated assault , is that out of the record that you were aware of is that correct ?
14 I note that you sought tenders for two options , a service between Biggar and Edinburgh via Penicuik and a service between Biggar and Penicuik only .
15 I think that , more , not sort of say a general question like that , but say that after the collection has happened that you want returns for the number of people in Oxford that have benefited from the number of groups in Oxford that have benefited .
16 ‘ You 're beginning to own that you have feelings for me .
17 Swallow your principles and try to impress on a potential employer , especially if it is a small business , that you have arrangements for all eventualities , including if your child is sick .
18 The insult was so unjust and so gross that we instituted proceedings for libel and extracted — not without difficulty — a full apology and retraction .
19 That 's what we mean when we say that we make cookers for cooks .
20 A reminder please that we need nominations for the Executive Committee for election at the A.G.M. Three retiring members must be replaced .
21 ‘ We tell our residents that we offer homes for life , and we do not expect people to move on , ’ she explained .
22 Nonetheless , certain things are always required in an adequate understanding of conversion , and it is in ignoring these that we leave openings for later doubts .
23 ‘ We are non-denominational so we give services for everyone , Methodists , Church of England and Catholics alike .
24 In fact , many organisations have reduced this and other functions to such an extent that they use consultants for a wide variety of activities whether it be for strategy advice , for marketing , production , organisation development , training or indeed executive search .
25 Both reluctantly agreed that they had reputations for fighting , but insisted that they had not strived for such status .
26 In essence , teachers said that they selected books for their capacity to elicit the personal involvement of pupils ; their potential to link with other curricular areas ; to promote discussion and because they were popular with pupils .
27 Social capacities are normative or prescriptive , in that they include responsibilities for whose discharge the actor can be praised or criticized .
28 While such inducements presumably have some positive effect , later discussion will note that management control over their terms casts doubt on the extent to which they secure an identity of interests with shareholders , and the danger that they create pressures for short-term increases in accounting profits or merely permit management to extract an increased proportion of company revenues .
29 In Manchester the demand for tickets was so great that they changed hands for upwards of eighty pounds .
30 Man will voluntarily integrate his own goals with those of the organization if management works on the assumption not that people dislike work , prefer being directed rather than taking the initiative and respond only to material rewards or threats and sanctions ; but that they have needs for autonomy and independence which must be satisfied through structures of authority that allow self-motivation and self-control .
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