Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] should [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Economic incentives or disincentives such as pollutant emission charges or taxes should receive more attention than they had received previously .
2 Authors who employ fictional characters with realistic status or occupations should check available sources to ensure their characters could not be confused with persons of the same name and position .
3 He suggests that operators should have four or five caps so that refitting of the normal container cap can be avoided altogether .
4 The CML also argued that solicitors should make annual returns on the number of conveyancing transactions they completed each year .
5 It merely claims that authorities should do that which they were appointed to do .
6 They demanded that creditors should grant more debt relief and that the IMF should increase its assistance to poorer countries .
7 Assuming that schools-industry liaison is a good thing and that schools should do more of it , the project team has set out to support the development of ‘ local solutions to local problems ’ , rather than prescribe a particular kind of development .
8 It has become commonplace in educational debates to assert that schools should reflect cultural differences , that the divisions within the school population are cultural ones , represented in different ethnic identities .
9 At a time when no one else may seem to approve of them , and they may not much like themselves , it is of the utmost importance that teenagers should feel wanted and loved by their parents .
10 A more fundamental criticism is the requirement that databases should facilitate unplanned access as well as planned retrieval to the database .
11 Country roads are often narrow and winding , so drivers should take special care and slow down .
12 The communications coordinator at the Catholic Church Secretariat , Fr Marcel Onen , pointed out in his speech that parents should exercise more control over their children 's viewing habits .
13 The third proposal is that parents should have absolute rights to choose the school that their children should attend .
14 It suggested that countries should recover 60 per cent and recycle 40 per cent of each form of packaging material within five years of the directive becoming law , increasing to 90 per cent and 60 per cent respectively after ten years .
15 Indeed , when the Samuel Commission reported in March 1926 , it was only able to offer the then unacceptable recommendations that the ‘ amalgamation of small units of production is both desirable and practicable ’ and that miners should accept further wage reductions as a temporary measure until such reorganization occurred .
16 They take into account , for the first time , the magnetic influence of the monopoles , and find that monopoles should deposit more energy in these materials than had been previously suspected ( Physical Review Letters , vol 50 , p 644 ) .
17 There is also a feeling in some circles that firsts should represent ultimate academic success for undergraduates , and that if they were split further it would be possible to get a ‘ bad first ’ .
18 The message distilled from Keynes 's theories by politicians was that governments should increase public expenditure to generate economic growth through stimulating demand .
19 Of considerable importance , it was agreed that governments should develop medium-term economic objectives and projections for their economies which were mutually consistent , as well as using ‘ performance indicators ’ to determine whether there were significant deviations from an intended course that required remedial action .
20 Note : The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty feel that pilots should advise would-be visitors that Koraloona has only one small hospital and one doctor .
21 Advocates for the other side say that immigrants should learn English and give dire warnings of a ‘ white-flight ’ from south Florida .
22 More radical moves to reform the NHS are based on a belief that individuals should take more responsibility for their health care and that this can be achieved by extending the choice of different suppliers of medical services .
23 Many people believe that organisations should become non-hierarchical and be based on group and consensus decision-making .
24 It is therefore the one example found in the UK which follows Ansoff 's recommendation that organisations should maintain separate units to monitor the environment for ‘ weak signals of threats or opportunities for the organization to consider ’ [ Ansoff ( 1975 ) ] .
25 For example , in a survey I carried out on the membership of the National Trust — one of the largest voluntary associations in Britain with over a million and a quarter members — it was decided that topics should include such things as how people came to join , how they felt about the payment of subscriptions , how much they read of the literature the Trust sent them , what their main interests in conservation were , how active a part they wanted to play in the work of the Trust , and so on .
26 I warned them that d-i-yers should stop short of tampering with British Telecom 's property , but they nevertheless decided to take look inside the junction box .
27 To maintain continuity , the paper suggests that firms should establish transitional arrangements for the handover : these could include arranging for the new partner to work on the audit team beforehand , and ensuring that other senior staff do not change in the same year .
28 The recommendations of this committee included a suggestion that UDCs should make greater efforts to assist local residents ; that local skills should be enhanced ; that industrial uses should be retained where possible ; and that as far as possible jobs would be directed to local residents .
29 Local MP Frank Field demanded that patients should come first .
30 Navarro ( 1986 ) claims that ‘ capitalism attempts to replace services pure and simple with commodities that can be bought and sold on the private market ’ and rather more strongly , Waitzkin ( 1983 ) suggests that ‘ from the standpoint of potential profit , there is no reason that corporations should view medical products differently from other products .
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