Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] which [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Housing authorities throughout Britain are required to develop housing plans or strategies which encompass the private sector , and many central government concerns such as the amount of Green Belt land to be made available to developers can be elucidated by the use of local market models .
2 Coyote and fox scat concentrations are used for this purpose , and it is quite common to find mustelid scats from weasels or martens deposited along walls or roads which mark the edge of individual ranges ( Lockie , 1966 ; MacDonald , 1979 ) .
3 Or parameters which provoke the discharger 's concern can be framed leniently , control being assured by the insertion of a much stricter parameter of more general application .
4 Homographs , or words which have the same spelling but very diverse meanings , must be identified .
5 This term refers to the generation of a set of boundaries to define regions or areas which have a particular property or set of properties .
6 The highest requires that we think of the international system as a set of norms or purposes which shape the process of history .
7 They are ideal for large breeds , or individuals which have a back ailment of any kind and may find it painful to curl up in a basket .
8 According to Goffmann , what lends credibility to our concepts of personal self is the recognition of certain rules or conventions which limit the claims we can expect to be acknowledged with respect to freedom from untoward threat , interference and so forth .
9 In the wild , even ripe pods do not fall off the trees ; they are opened in situ by squirrels or monkeys which suck the sweet pulp off the seeds .
10 Transitions or changes which have a notably high or low probability can be identified , as reasons for their prominence sought .
11 Not all agreements or arrangements which have a restrictive effect on competition are prohibited by EC competition rules .
12 As the lava cools down further , to a dull red , more and more chilled fragments remain on the surface , and these small particles soon agglomerate together , forming progressively larger plates or rafts which cover the surface of the flow , the hot lava itself only glowing through in the cracks between rafts .
13 In additions to classifying specific weaving centres or tribes , the term may also be used in a broader sense to encompass any collection of tribes or villages which combine the same ethnic origins , or general location , with an underlying uniformity in their rugs .
14 Or instructions which advise the staff how a particular project , how a particular task is undertaken with guidance on why we do it .
15 of a school leaver will be almost entirely about educational achievements and any pastimes , experiences or interests which indicate the type of person an employer will be looking for .
16 By another of the technical innovations or borrowings which mark the art of this time , terracotta figurines and heads are no longer generally made freely by hand or turned on the wheel but pressed into moulds .
17 To keep his ponds , stews etc. well stocked with bream and perch , but not pike , tench , or eels which devour the spawn .
18 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
19 From an overall policy point of view , assistance should only be provided to communities or municipalities which present an integrated rural development plan conforming to specific economic , social and ecological criteria .
20 The occupier is a lodger if the landlord provides attendance or services which require the landlord or his servants to exercise unrestricted access to and use of the premises .
21 Any organisation in the UK , Channel Islands or Isle of Man producing goods or services which meet the criteria is eligible for consideration .
22 Neutralizing agents are usually either acids or alkalis which neutralize the odorous gas on impact , so for example acidic gases such as fatty acids , sulphur dioxide , chlorine , hydrogen-chloride and sulphides and mercaptans can to some extent be neutralized by contact with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate ( both alkalis ) whilst weak sulphuric acid or phosphoric acid for example can be used as a neutralizing media for alkaline gases such as ammonia or amines .
23 Instead of an individual learning to create a language-use within which he can select to mediate his individual feeling , a public language user tends to attach his feelings to social counters or tags which maximize the solidarity of the social relationship at the cost of the logical structure of the communication and the specificity of the feeling .
24 It is here that theorisations which see the nuclear family as a means for controlling the working class in the ‘ interests of capitalism ’ can be seen to be inadequate .
25 Transnationalism makes the point that there are actors other than states which play a central role in international events , the obvious examples being multinational corporations and revolutionary groups .
26 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
27 The relegation of less frequently used books to remote storage should eventually increase the overall relevance of the stock to users ' needs and therefore lead to a more efficient use of resources ( assuming that books which replace the neglected material issue more frequently ) .
28 World-wide legal protection of invention and innovation is still a long way from being realized , although countries which include the major producers and users of intellectual property have strong laws protecting the same .
29 ( In relation to the last point the authors demonstrate that universities which have a large proportion of their students in halls of residence tend to have lower non-completion rates , and that this finding is common for both sexes .
30 Those prepared to fight for the principle that stories which advance the public interest should be published are usually vindicated .
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