Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 After this but before the rogue was traced , the rogue took the car along to a market in Warren Street ( where dealers commonly sold cars ) and he sold it to an innocent purchaser .
2 Parents or relatives often make donations to their old public school or college as some repayment for what it has done for them , or in the hope that it may give their child a better chance of entry !
3 Many of the cakes are ordered for men , and so wives or girlfriends always want cakes that reflect their interests a dartboard , snooker table , even a steak and egg dinner or a perfect replica of a Middlesbrough football shirt .
4 The importation of semen or embryos plainly offers advantages over that of live goats .
5 Dreaming does not seem to be confined to our own species : research on the subject would appear to indicate that animals likewise have dreams : we have all seen a sleeping dog twitch as it ‘ chases rabbits ’ .
6 Shareholding patterns in London-registered overseas companies will also be sampled , since it is apparent that Scots frequently purchased securities directly through this market .
7 It is curious , too , to note that echidnas also possess spurs but their venom gland is non-functional .
8 Baldwin 's ( 1985 , p. 142 ) work on bringing up handicapped children indicates that grandparents often buy necessities such as food and clothing , and this can be vital to the finances of a household where having a handicapped child creates additional expense .
9 In his account of the conference Armstrong ( secretary of the Chemical Society ) noted that participants only received copies of the report on the first morning of the meeting ( 19 April 1892 ) .
10 Donations of cash and supplies for Polish orphanages and hospitals continued to flood in , although organisers still needed caravans , medical supplies and clothing , he said .
11 It is as if the company in some very deep way has been unable to acknowledge that customers even have choices .
12 Given the desperate urgency of the situation , and the fact that males usually outnumber females , it is not surprising that competition between males for females is intense .
13 Contemporary reports show that audiences often had difficulties appreciating various kinds of distortion if these distortions had no counterparts in real life .
14 He had always thought that poets grossly overstated things when they talked of eyes like stars .
15 It 's always said that Oppositions rarely win elections , Governments lose them .
16 One of the main problems is that professionals often ask parents to keep the child under observation all day .
17 Of course , these corporate crimes against other organizations ultimately have human victims , such as shareholders , taxpayers , Third World poor , and so on , but none the less it is important to see that corporations sometimes commit crimes against other corporations because this focuses our attention on a vital factor in the cause of such behaviour — namely competition under conditions of scarce or diminishing resources and markets .
18 It 's comical to see all these people agreeing sagely with each other that users really want loads of functions rather than just a good deal , while all the time mopping their brows with relief that the price wars seemed to have petered out .
19 It is by influencing these local events that genes ultimately exert influences on the adult body .
20 Since this strategy works outwards from the highest scoring words , it is possible to show ( see Woods 1982 ) that islands always incorporate words which have a density score no greater than the words already in the island .
21 He proposed that humans innately prefer places that offer both :
22 But it need hardly be said that voters sometimes disappoint candidates and campaign managers .
23 Teaching should cover a range of rich and stimulating texts , both fiction and non-fiction , and should ensure that pupils regularly hear stories , told or read aloud , and hear and share poetry read by the teacher , and each other .
24 Mr Smedley was involved in an argument early on Saturday morning although police only released details of the incident yesterday .
25 And perhaps , today we would not say that men actually hate women , but there are n't is n't much obli , er evidence of their respect .
26 For instance , coin and currency were always in short supply in the colonies and the British government in a mood of less than salutary neglect did nothing about it , so colonies sometimes passed laws to make bills of exchange into legal tender .
27 When researching the GIST project , Whyte ( 1986 ) found that boys persistently intimidated girls in the science laboratories and refused them access to equipment .
28 Research shows that women mostly use products to combat depression and lethargy , whereas garlic is used by both men and women in equal numbers to prevent colds and to improve circulation .
29 In the 1980s , it is still true that males have higher mortality rates than females at all ages ( except possibly after reaching the age of 100 years : OPCS 1987 : 5 ) ; but the number of deaths in childhood and early adult life is now so small that it is not until individuals reach their late forties , that women actually outnumber men of the same birth cohort .
30 Noting that landladies still hoofed boarders out for most of the day , Butlin saw how the holiday-makers would shelter in his amusement parks when it rained .
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