Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Controlled trusts are those where the solicitor is the sole trustee or where all of the co-trustees are partners or solicitors within the same firm .
2 Indeed , the only formal requirement for economic evaluation of alternative plans or programmes at the current time is that of option appraisal for schemes where one of the options is a capital scheme with an initial outlay of £10 million or more ( DHSS , 1981 ) .
3 These were £712 from A. Walden for the former and £76 from C. H. Cox & Sons for the latter .
4 The 1925 — 6 excavation was poor , even by the standards of its day , but it is difficult to understand how the walls or foundations of the main structure could have been so totally overlooked .
5 It includes everything from when the hairdresser is coming , to appointments at the hospital or outings to the local theatre .
6 He did n't doubt there were many others also who had brothers , fathers or sons among the fifty thousand Irishmen slain in the Great War and who had to swallow their grief and mourn in private .
7 Under section 245A , where copies of the annual accounts have been sent out , laid , or delivered to the Registrar and it appears to the Secretary of State that there is or may be a question whether they comply with the Act he may give notice to the directors indicating the respects in which it appears to him that the question may arise and specifying a period of not less than one month for the directors to give him explanations or prepare revised accounts .
8 On the order being made , all the rights , duties , and obligations of the parents or guardians of the adopted child are extinguished , and these rights , duties , and obligations vest in the adopter .
9 Such a view implies the incorporation of the arts or humanities into the broad domain of the social or human sciences , a development which has to some extent occurred in France with the concept of sciences humaines and in Germany under the rubric of Geisteswissenschaft .
10 In this country , where the concept of science has always been the narrower one associated with the paradigm of the natural sciences , there is still in most institutions a very firm institutional demarcation between arts or humanities on the one hand and the social sciences on the other , a demarcation which will be explored later .
11 Such recruitment drives can be organised by NHS managers or employers in the private sector .
12 The pacts or concordats of the mid-twelfth century exhibited the popes ' worries .
13 Stocks should be sub-classified in the balance sheet or notes to the financial statements to indicate the amounts held in each of the main categories of balance sheet formats of 4 Sch .
14 Those responsible for initial teacher training can not hope to find time or personnel for the additional input which would be required .
15 An amendment to Public Notice 711 will be issued in due course , but Customs are willing to accept comments or views on the proposed scheme in the meantime .
16 A crystal is just a large orderly array of atoms or molecules in the solid state .
17 His principles are chosen by people behind a hypothetical ‘ veil of ignorance ’ , where they know nothing of their social position in society , their sex , race , abilities or conceptions of the good ( Rawls , 1972 , in particular pt .
18 However , it has neither been thought desirable nor feasible to require formal evaluations of alternative programmes , treatments or technologies at the local level .
19 On the basis of his behaviour , therefore , we have reason to maintain that Fido believes that bones are related to his desires or preferences in the following way : Bones satisfy certain desires he has and are to be chosen to satisfy those desires .
20 that the Hague Convention is to be employed with the involuntary deposition of a party conducted in a foreign country , and with the production of documents or other evidence gathered from persons or entities in the foreign country who are not subject to the court 's in personam jurisdiction .
21 5.1 All components of the Licensed Software and any derivatives , extensions or adaptations of the Licensed Software offered for sale in the Agreed Territories shall be published under the joint imprint of and of .
22 There was no need for the others ; nearly all her numbers were either solos or duets with the absent Gesner .
23 James A. Lake , writing in Nature , says that similar bacteria survive in hot volcanic springs or around vents or fissures in the deep ocean floor .
24 It requires courage and support from sympathetic colleagues to admit that the things that have been happening in classrooms or schools over the past 20 years have been wrong , pigheaded or simply inefficient .
25 During my recent visit to Libya with George More , a top Scots lawyer , the British community told us that it does not want sanctions or reprisals against the Libyan regime .
26 Most scientists expect that it will show , as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki , that low doses of radiation have no detectable effect on humans or animals in the first years after an accident .
27 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
28 We speak casually of the interests or goals of the working class , for example .
29 Fats contain more than twice the amount of calories as carbohydrates or proteins for the same weight .
30 The above areal interpolation methods are alike in that , other than the purely spatial information given by the boundaries , areas or centroids of the areal units involved , no extra information is used in interpolation .
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