Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The pacts or concordats of the mid-twelfth century exhibited the popes ' worries .
2 Most scientists expect that it will show , as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki , that low doses of radiation have no detectable effect on humans or animals in the first years after an accident .
3 There was no home leave from overseas and , as far as I knew , few individuals or units of the Eighth Army had returned to Britain , for most had been sent to Sicily and thence to the toe and heel of Italy , or to Salerno , and by this time were fighting hard up the Italian peninsula on one or other side of the Appennines .
4 One could always spell it out : " The final word or words of a clause or sentence repeated as the first word or words of the next clause or sentence " ; and only use anadiplosis if the regularity of the feature required the economy of a label .
5 A round of modifications has speeded up Stars & Stripes for the fourth round of trials .
6 It could be argued that the Soviet Union has offset the lack of pro-Soviet military blocs or coalitions in the Third World in some degree by the creation of a mutual strategic support system based on a network of bilateral treaties of friendship ( see later in this chapter ) .
7 Applications or nominations for the first award should be sent to the international affairs officer , RSC , Burlington House , Piccadilly , London , to arrive no later than Friday 29 May 1992 .
8 Applications or nominations for the next Bader award should be sent to the international affairs officer , RSC , Burlington House , Piccadilly , London , to arrive not later than Friday 29 May 1992 .
9 If Third World states and the Soviet bloc promoted their ideas on the neutralisation of countries or territories in the Third World through their respective plans for Southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf , then the Western powers indicated the conditions under which they believed neutralisation was most appropriate in the Third World when they proposed the neutralisation of Afghanistan at the beginning of the 1980s .
10 Liquid manure can not be spread on the fields from harvest until 1 November ( unless it is onto growing vegetation or crops for the next winter ) .
11 To increase the chances of success , Louis offered Henry two teams of mediators ; if he did not like the methods or conclusions of the first set , he could turn to the second .
12 The Great Western , London and North-Western , and Midland railways had refused point-blank to make any concessions to suburban travellers or workmen in fares or services throughout the nineteenth century .
13 There has been an artificial element to such ‘ restraint ’ by Soviet leaders since the USSR has remained poorly placed to openly compete with the West in forming coalitions or alliances in the Third World .
14 Many university professors were paid less than labourers in the eighteenth century ; if not clerics , they were forced , as were academics throughout the nineteenth century , to seek outside work to gain a living .
15 Small investors will pay less than institutions for the first instalment though how much less will not be known until June 29 after the international offer closes .
16 Small investors will pay less than institutions for the first instalment , although how much less will not be known until June 29 after the international offer closes .
17 He decided that operations in the first instance were to be confined chiefly to level driving at Paddy Etid ( the Levers Water side of the grant ) , and also to cross-cut to the Bonsor Vein both in , and below , Red Dell .
18 It is sometimes said that rules in the last two categories ‘ lack the force of law ’ , that is , they are not enforceable in a court .
19 With a smothered curse he pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her , using a more powerful argument than words as the first touch of his mouth on hers sent everything out of Leonora 's head other than the fact that she loved and wanted this man to the point where she was almost ready to believe that she 'd been mistaken .
20 There was widespread interest in the possibility that weapons in the last group might be used to attack Iranian population or economic centres .
21 Gandalf Technologies Inc , Ottawa , Ontario has signed a letter of intent to sell the majority of its shares in Gandalf Mobile Systems Inc to Geotek Industries Inc : the Canadian communications equipment supplier will retain a minority interest in the company , which today represents 3% of its revenue ; Gandalf also says that revenues for the fourth quarter ended Aprch 31 , 1993 were slightly below expectations and a modest loss is expected for the period — strong business in the UK were moderated by a weakening of sterling against the US dollar in the fourth quarter and lower than expected revenues in continental Europe and in other international markets also hit the figures .
22 They might also , and in a perverse way , quite sensibly believe that if US farmers can produce grain ‘ cheaper ’ than farmers in the Third World then it will also be in the interests of the Third World to participate in such a global food system .
23 Navies had changed much more than armies during the nineteenth century .
24 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Jan. 30 reported that figures for the first nine months of 1991 showed Japan to be Vietnam 's second most important trading partner , after Singapore .
25 Coley argues that writers in the eighteenth century form a class which is generally dependent on another higher class for economic support .
26 It is of course possible that structures of the second kind , the equivalences of category , can be found in equal quantity in non-poetic language ; all that may be required , it has been argued ( Culler 1975 : 62 ) is a sufficiently flexible system of categorization .
27 Thus although items from the second half of the 20th Century did appear to suffer from less serious deterioration than those from its first half ( with no post-1950 material being considered ‘ Fragile ’ ) , of all defective 20th Century publications noted , 7% were ‘ Fragile ’ , whereas the comparable figure for 19th Century publications was only 2% , and even if the proportion of defective items placed in the category of least deterioration — ‘ Poor ’ — was smaller for 19th Century items than for those of the 20th Century ( 76% as opposed to 80% ) , the difference was extremely slight .
28 Assisted by a recent Supreme Court ruling that members of the last parliament were not immune from prosecution for corruption even if they had been re-elected , Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sir Julius Chan had launched a full investigation in late July into the financial dealings of the previous government .
29 This is what the UK SMC seeks to exploit by setting unusual , but meaningful problems that pupils in the first years of secondary school want to solve .
30 We must remember , too , that Dissenters in the 18th century were not the political revolutionaries they had been in the 17th — there was a sense in which the rabid Nonconformity of one generation became the established respectability of the next , and commentators like Halevy have suggested that it was precisely the innate conservatism of the new dissent , Methodism , which helped stave off revolution in England in the early 19th century — a real opium of the people , in effect .
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