Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Acknowledge just how much you have learned from those experiences which may have appeared difficult or unpleasant at the time .
2 The term ’ provisional sum ’ is defined as ’ a sum provided for work or for costs which can not be entirely foreseen , defined or detailed at the time the tendering documents are issued ’ .
3 NSAID intake was noted as either intermittent or regular at the time of the first endoscopy only .
4 That does not mean that the law should change with every passing fancy — crimes such as theft , fraud , murder , etc. will never become fashionable — but ‘ social ’ crimes such as publishing indecent or obscene material are dependent on society 's perception of what is or is not indecent or obscene at the time , and the legislation of one period may be inappropriate in another period of time , to the extent that resorting to the courts to deal with the matter may be quite inappropriate and ineffective .
5 The reason for such a power is that contemporaneous reporting may prejudice either the proceedings in question ( as where the material — although heard in open court — has not been made known to the jury ) or some further proceedings which were pending or imminent at the time .
6 Although correct at the time of going to press , the programme is subject to amendment .
7 Although unconfirmed at the time , rumours that DEC had struck up a deal with Auspex Systems Inc , the Santa Clara , California network server company that already counts IBM among its customers , have turned out to be correct ( UX No 384 ) .
8 I was very annoyed and upset at the time because there were other girls of my age in the dale and they could go and I could not .
9 One man who emerged from the tour with much credit was Alan Smith , the manager , who had been diplomacy personified during the political crisis and sensitive and supportive at the time of Barrington 's death .
10 He had been unemployed and depressed at the time of the theft , and had since started attending college and returned to live with his mother .
11 I was young and foolish at the time ,
12 The secrets of the period , hidden and unknowable at the time , have been revealed in the historical conclusion of 1914 .
13 Reasonableness is thus judged in the light of circumstances known and foreseeable at the time the contract was made .
14 Such views were both pervasive and unexceptional at the time .
15 However , the Court of Appeal decided in Burton v Islington Health Authority [ 1992 ] 3 WLR 617 that at common law a child en ventre sa mρere and unborn at the time of the defendant 's negligence has a cause of action for injuries caused by that negligence .
16 This remark , which struck me as silly and offensive at the time , was to be recalled later .
17 Albújar was reported to have been alone and unarmed at the time of the attack .
18 The list is comprehensive and correct at the time of publication , but additions and deletions may occur from time to time .
19 The following week James Butlin reported that she had been ‘ exceedingly foul in her linen and verminous at the time of her admission ’ .
20 This was hailed as historic at the time — as a giant contribution towards a peaceful settlement of the Middle East .
21 I was aware that the impending birth of AC2 Herriot 's child did not influence the general war strategy but I still wanted to be as near to Helen as possible at the time .
22 Wagenaar ( 1986 ) also found that memories rated as unpleasant at the time were less well recalled than pleasant ones ( for durations of up to two years ) , despite this , events with higher emotional involvement ratings ( ‘ moderate ’ to ‘ extreme ’ ) were generally recalled better than those with lower ratings ( ‘ nothing ’ or ‘ little ’ ) at all retention intervals studied , though again this was a relatively small effect , r(1603)=0.07 .
23 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
24 What matters is the status of the party as unassisted at the time when he incurred the costs in the proceedings which he seeks to recover .
25 An interesting feature that has emerged recently is the number of patients who are newly diagnosed as diabetic at the time of their myocardial infarction ( Oswald et al , 1984 ) .
26 According to Cannistraro , the report had been dismissed as unreliable at the time but now , in the light of the ‘ proven ’ Libyan connection , was the missing link that placed the blame squarely on Gaddafi .
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