Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Long-distance travel is a fever dream where time and mood slip out of control leaving one unexpectedly early or late delighted or depressed until a mosaic of tiny things builds a flat earth beneath you again .
2 It was then as if the rotting maggot-infested flesh , or the tags of matted clothing , had already become part of the earth which clung to and enclosed them , no more unnatural or frightening than a clump of compost or a drift of decaying leaves .
3 Now in life there is nothing more defenceless or ridiculous than a man with his pantaloons about his ankles , his shirt tail raised and his mind on other matters .
4 Now it 's especially for people who are black or Asian because a lot of the time they miss out on the opportunities that are available to a lot of other people because of things like language barriers and although you might think it 's unfair it 's not actually illegal .
5 If the tests were truly designed for the control of ‘ anti-social influences in the arts ’ , as the Report said , then how could the law seem other than misconceived when a decade or more of legal scrutiny and barristers ' banter had been publicly squandered on the anti-social potential of pubic hair , the peculiar dangers of which seemed clearer to the police than to juries .
6 The other interesting thing you would find about vocabulary and treatment between the tabloids and the Independent is the Independent has a policy of very little coverage of the Royal Family and I suspect that other than a paragraph or a sentence or two of introduction , that those four paragraphs at the foot of the page are simply the text of her speech courtiers and media blamed as the Princess retreats from public life , I suspect that you will find that that is not a story , it is simply a statement of fact and an actual reprint of the text of her speech .
7 It was an old-fashioned one , as heavy and solid as a lorry .
8 The river black , flat , wide on the turn , and solid as a road .
9 She was as tongue-tied and gauche as a schoolgirl on a first date .
10 When she walked with Gran , she could feel the trembling through every limb and felt glad to be young and strong as a tree .
11 Young and strong as a bull as he was , the superior odds were beginning to tell .
12 She felt as fragile and foolish as a moth that beat itself against the hot glass of an electric bulb until it fell burned and spent , in its desperate doomed quest for the light .
13 It was as lifeless and rigid as a piece of sculpture ; dispelling the illusion of flight .
14 ‘ In Denmark we say that aquavit is strong as a Viking , fiery as a lover , cold as an iceberg and fresh as a virgin .
15 So a handclasp burned along her nerves and home again with just herself and music , she burned through sonnets sober as never before and high as a condor .
16 Varying the textures within this sort of monochromatic colour scheme can be just as interesting and lively as a scheme full of more obvious contrasts .
17 Philippa , whose face was normally as radiant and untroubled as a child 's , had not stopped frowning since Lee had started talking to her that afternoon and it annoyed Conrad to see it .
18 However , the team considered that some independent assessment was desirable and appropriate where a project of this magnitude was involved .
19 With great grace she straddled his body , and paused for a moment , upright above him , her body as pale and slender as a wand .
20 It 'll be the kind of place you might walk out of as brisk and easy as a knife cutting butter , or you might very well wander about for days , well , weeks even , without finding a proper door .
21 He becomes as soft and nervous as a cow ( 1867 ) ; he feels as worn out as a donkey ( 1867 ) ; yet still he splashes in the Seine like a porpoise ( 1870 ) .
22 He snatches the issue from politicians and makes it as grand and simple as a silver screen story .
23 Traditionally bureaucracy has been described as a role culture , but there is no reason to suppose that the different cultures can not all exist within the same organisation particularly if the organisation is as large and diverse as a government department or a local authority .
24 The water 's deep and cold as a grave here !
25 Cissy Salt , her baby face hard and cold as a coin , stood back from the couch and looked round at the trembling tearful group .
26 It was as tall and cold as a glacier rolling down a valley , crunching trees like matchsticks .
27 Nothing , as both men knew , could be quite as sombre and sickening as a suicide ( or , as here , an attempted suicide ) , for it spoke not only of unbearable suffering but also of a certain misguided fortitude .
28 A fully grown woman , the muscles on her arms and legs as thick and obvious as a man 's .
29 Newly wed she was and pretty as a picture . ’
30 Her skin was blue-green and marbled in the reflected lake water , and her eyes were as dull and expressionless as a shark 's .
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