Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So 86 per cent of Asian day centre users relied on income support , while only 14 per cent have state and/or private pensions above income support rates .
2 Where State and/or public definitions of crime become less tolerant .
3 Most LDCs experience at regular intervals external current account ( deficit ) problems due to a lack of diversified exports and/or deteriorating terms of trade because many obtain more than 50 per cent of their export earnings from one or two products , e.g. Zambia regularly obtains over 90 per cent of its foreign exchange earnings from copper .
4 So now , whether you 'd like granulated fruit & herb flavour baby drinks , ready to drink juices or concentrated juices for baby , you can safely turn to Robinsons .
5 First of all it 's a government activity , now let's be quite clear about that , we 're talking about governments here , we 're not talking about erm oil companies or private airlines or non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International , we 're talking about governments .
6 Mice , too , are best caught in traps tucked beneath slates or inside lengths of pipe to avoid injuring birds .
7 high or low numbers in class
8 There are no high or low seasons for business people and they will often require their accommodation at short notice .
9 Geary ( 1985 ) has examined the historical pattern of industrial confrontation in Great Britain , looking for the distinctive features of periods marked by high or low levels of disorder .
10 Sure , injecting high doses of morphine , or low doses of morphine in a patient like this , contributes to his demise , but so does turning off the respirator , so I do n't think there 's any difference really .
11 The Heath Government appointed a Select Committee on the Corporation Tax and the subsequent Labour Government appointed one on a wealth tax , but both refused a permanent subcommittee on taxation so that there is still no mechanism by which the House of Commons can know about or participate in investigations of taxation problems or possible developments in policy .
12 For of all those peppered by the shotgun blast of criticism that came out of the Cleveland inquiry , where in little more than three months 121 children were diagnosed as actual or possible victims of child sexual abuse , only Dr Higgs still does not know her future and faces effective dismissal .
13 For one thing , a government agency may have commercial or political aims in commissioning surveys or anthologies .
14 Where private costs of production are below social costs , an indirect tax could be imposed , or increased , so that price is raised to reflect the true social costs of production .
15 No director of the Company had , during the year , any material interest , either directly or indirectly , in any contract of significance with the Company or its subsidiary or associated undertakings in relation to the business of the Company .
16 Pondering over the cycle 's military potential , whether or not it might ‘ mitigate the decline of the rural population ’ , fearing that it would tempt people away from the churches , but rejoicing that it would lure others away from ‘ demonstrations in Hyde Park or low-class places of amusement ’ , The Times thus moved its discussion skilfully between different planes of anxiety .
17 Numerous theorists approach their work armed with interpretations or modified versions of Marxism , and to stick so firmly to elucidating Marx 's own texts might seem a rather scholastic project , in the pejorative sense of that phrase .
18 Solicitors therefore take counsel 's opinion on difficult or technical questions of law or procedure .
19 These ad hoc bodies , as they are frequently described , were created by local or private Acts of Parliament , the scope of which is limited to the locality or interests concerned .
20 Many old people receive occupational or private pensions in addition to their basic retirement pension and a large number have personal savings or private incomes of widely varying amounts .
21 The magic will be used in organised or private rituals for healing , and divination for guidance when important decisions loom .
22 However he welcomed the manner in which the new law had resolved the " most serious " objections which had led him to veto the 1990 version , and had made it clear that US government " requests " to third countries or private citizens for help in covert actions did not need to be reported to Congress .
23 Shoreline produce a nice range of non-toxic self-coloured ‘ ceramic ’ ornaments which take the form of ruined castles or rocky structures in brown or grey .
24 Their breeding colonies are mainly on headlands or rocky islands off West Falkland .
25 These areas are ( i ) the organization of licensing , censorship and other similar forms of control , and the struggle against these ; ( ii ) the organization of the market , both in its aspect as a trading area whose purposes , in expansion and profit , may often be in conflict with otherwise dominant political and cultural authorities , and its aspect as a mechanism for commodities in this especially sensitive field , where inherent calculations of profit and scale may impose tensions with other conceptions of art and , at a different level , impose its own new forms of commercial controls ; and ( iii ) the uneven and changing relations between a received and always to some extent recuperated ‘ popular ’ ( largely oral ) culture and the new forms of standardized and increasingly centralized production and reproduction .
26 Or once the partition walls are down , you can create your own flexible dividers , with bookcases , shelving units , screens or screen-like structures like trellis , or even Murphy beds that let down at night from what looks like a panelled screen .
27 Mostly semiotics , gender issues or economic critiques of art .
28 But this view was rather hard upon farmers with crops adjacent to a railway line and a compromise was effected by the Railway Fires Acts 1905 and 1923 , which cast upon railways a liability not exceeding £200 , even if the total damage claimed and done is much in excess , for damage caused to agricultural land or agricultural crops by fire arising from the emission of sparks or cinders from their locomotives , although the locomotive was used under statutory powers .
29 A system may permit strong interactions or weak interactions between knowledge sources .
30 Neither was there the more deadly flak which confronted the interdiction or pre-Invasion attacks on railway centres , which accounted for some of our best PFF crews .
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