Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than setting unrealistically high expectations that you then fail to realise , or low expectations that become a self-fulfilling prophecy , take time out to sit and visualise a situation going well .
2 It was through these benefit or friendly societies that working people began collectively to provide insurance against the loss of income through unemployment , and to ensure that each should have a respectable funeral .
3 Each of the PCR products was sequenced either directly with specific oligonucleotides as sequencing primers using 32 P-dATP or subcloned into pCR-1000 vector ( Invitrogen ) and the plasmid DNA containing the different inserts from each of the PCR analysis were sequenced using M13 forward and reverse primers or specific primers as described above .
4 Physical indications that may be caused by defective vision : unusual head position while working ( poking forward or held sideways ) ; work held at an unusual distance or angle ; frowning , squinting or facial grimaces when trying to read ; complaints of headache or dizziness during visual activities ; covering one eye with the hand , or closing it ; aversion to bright light .
5 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
6 The applicants in the main proceedings pointed out that the Secretary of State conceded in the Divisional Court that Community law would prevent the enforcement of nationality , domicile and residence requirements as conditions for entry for Community nationals to occupations or economic activities and sought to justify the conditions on the basis of the obligations of the United Kingdom in public international law and of the special nature of the Common Fisheries Policy .
7 They speculated that this may be related to the fact that patients are referred with chronic or refractory conditions that have proved difficult to treat in general practice .
8 These may be members of local community groups or unemployed centres and/or paid staff of particular projects or paid staff working in the community .
9 The grounds for relief were , inter alia , that Lautro failed to comply with the rules of natural justice and to act fairly in that it failed before the service of the notice to inform the applicant or Winchester of the allegations being made therein , failed to allow Winchester or its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised company representatives the opportunity of answering or responding to the allegations made against them , failed to take into account the interest of Winchester , its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised representatives when deciding to exercise the notice ; that Lautro acted unreasonably and came to a decision such that no person or body properly directing itself on the relevant law and acting reasonably could have reached in that it acted with bias against Winchester and its officials , issued the notice at a time its investigations were incomplete and on the basis of findings which were erroneous and provisional , and failed to conclude its investigations before serving the notice ; and that Lautro acted ultra vires and in error of law in that the rights of appeal applied to any person subject to the rules of Lautro whether or not members .
10 This is the thesis that it is social or cultural factors that determine a person 's moral view-factors such as environment , upbringing and social context .
11 If people 's everyday reality does not fit with the official version this can have the profoundly negative effect of devaluing individual , community or cultural perceptions and engendering a sense of powerlessness .
12 Do n't wear perfume when sunbathing — even skins that are n't usually sensitive may develop a rash or brown marks when exposed to the sun .
13 What are the cultural or historical forces that contribute to these problems ?
14 Business forms — where screen based equipment is being used students can recall templates or stored formats and insert relevant information by doing a ‘ fill ’ .
15 The glaistig will occasionally assume the appearance of a kind BROWNIE , showing benign tenderness to children or old women and helping farmers to tend their cattle .
16 The comparative method in sociology will be discussed in chapter 3 , but essentially consists of the sociologist assembling data about several societies or social contexts and comparing them with each other , with the intention of explaining the causes of any variations .
17 For some , the reason is one of choice ; they do not have a job or social links that tie them to a 24 hour day .
18 In the large intestine , surgical or dietary manipulations that stimulate cell growth generally promote experimental colorectal carcinogenesis , whereas mucosal hypoplasia ( for example , by defunctioning colostomy ) has a protective effect .
19 In shaded or damp areas that tend to collect a slippery coating of algae , paving and steps should always be cleaned regularly .
20 It is not other people or outward events that cause harmful stress , but the way we perceive such external factors and our fears of what they will do to us .
21 However , according to Zakrewski the government has ruled that the duty-free import quotas will only be divided up among home-grown or foreign companies that have been assembling in Poland for two years , while other firms will face levies at the old rates .
22 Appraisals should also compare different projects which compete against each other for scarce resources such as funds , people , land or raw materials and allow the correct decision to be made .
23 London-based Information Dimensions ( UK ) Ltd has announced DocXform , which takes either scanned or word-processed documents and converts them to the Standard Generalised Mark-up Language standard , ready for loading into Information Dimensions ' BasisPlus database .
24 A politics of the future has to engage with , learn from , the new , never to be simply satisfied with tracking opinion polls or empty gestures but empowering those who have been left cold by all our agendas .
25 There simply are not enough competing news organizations to provide adequate variety and debate between them , and the technical or commercial factors that hinder the creation of rival news organizations mean that free speech can not be guaranteed by open entry into a system of competing news organizations .
26 Whereas Symphonic Variations flows onwards in simple serenity , Ashton , following Rachmaninov , here uses an enormous variety of steps and constantly changes the choreographic phrasing to reflect the increasing or diminishing sounds and to match the tempi of the melody , in order to give his enchaînements light and shade and to indicate the sheer complexity of the orchestration .
27 The cottages were small and damp , with earth floors and none of the cooking or sanitary arrangements that make for domestic comfort .
28 Further , a widespread parish response to famine-level prices was to purchase supplies of wheat or substitute foodstuffs and re-sell them at subsidised prices to the poor .
29 There 's none of the dazzling leaps or appalling lapses that gave previous albums a dynamic range .
30 to acquire new practical or cognitive skills or to update existing skills .
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