Example sentences of "[conj] [art] few [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 Reading may be slow as the eyes are able to take in only one short word or a few letters at one glance .
2 The human brain , and the body that it controls , can not do more than one or a few things at once .
3 Before the 1965 Immigration Act , Mirpuri and Bengali families would send their sons to England for a few months or a few years at a time .
4 Although Frankie had been dozing , he was too hungry to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time .
5 TOWARDS the end of her life my mother was in hospital , a victim of Alzheimer 's Disease , a severe diabetic , unable to walk and increasingly unable to remain conscious for more than a few minutes at a time .
6 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
7 A breathless , pervasive sense of heat possessed her body at every return of the memory and she was unable to remain settled and at ease in her seat for more than a few minutes at a time .
8 Hearing people are members of the dominant culture , who usually wish to preserve their hearing status and whose length of stay among deaf people is often no more than a few hours at a time .
9 ‘ The barrow now belongs to you , so never let it or the pitch out of your sight for more than a few hours at a time . ’
10 The apparatus required for imprinting , and then for measuring the efficacy of the imprinting response , was large and elaborate ; it was impossible to train more than a few birds at a time .
11 The Glass-Steagall Act and the McFadden Act prevented banks from operating in more than a few states at a time , and also restricted their scope for involvement in the securities markets and other financial services — areas where their international competitors already had wide powers .
12 First , only a handful of people have spent more than a few weeks at a time in space .
13 Indeed , until he was summoned home from King 's College , Cambridge , in 1698 , after the death of his elder brother , Walpole had rarely spent more than a few weeks at his Norfolk home in any year since he was 6.17 Not all families , however , sent their children away from home so early , or for so long .
14 The three of them began to creep slowly down the hill , moving from tree to tree , but no more than a few yards at a time .
15 It was hard for him to scrape together more than a few coppers at a time .
16 So that few minutes at the end is important for picking up these extra marks you 've been trying to throw away , okay , where you can do it , and the few minutes at the beginning is to look through and find that question wherever it was , that one on the last page .
17 All went well until she tried to climb into a taxi after the reception at the exclusive Dorchester Club following a quiet ceremony for family and a few friends at Chelsea Register Office .
18 Bands usually look better if a few needles at the edges are knitted in stocking stitch which will roll and give a neat firm edge .
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