Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Practically all building materials are affected by one or a combination of the following : extremes of temperature dampness method of stacking or storing accidental or wilful damage avoidable or unavoidable wastage Sometimes deterioration may be difficult to detect and , perhaps even more important , actual realisable value may be negligible and in some cases negative , in that costs will be incurred in carting away .
2 Supporting or enclosing structures i.e. lift shafts and foundations masonry and brickwork upon which the plant rests and which need not be replaced if new plant is installed .
3 Do expenses include non-recurring items or non-standard items eg management charges , substantial pension payments , items of personal expenditure ( vendor 's gardener , golf club subscription etc ) , and research and marketing expenditure in advance of new product launches ? ( see Chapter 08 for a more complete list ) .
4 All you will need is a piece of plywood , plastic or plain wood about 65mm x 200mm ( 21/2 x 8in ) and a couple of short lengths of dowel .
6 a pencil or thin stick about 18cm long
7 The full charge alleged that Rymer , on June 9 , unlawfully and maliciously attempted to cause to be administered to the boy , a poison or other destructive or noxious thing namely Atenolol , Temazepam , Bendrofluazide and Coproxamol so as to endanger the life of the boy or inflict grievous bodily harm on him .
8 Yes and then of course you get business organizations , the and much business is now internationally based , we 've , we recognize this recently from the erm the purchase of Rover by B M W erm but of course the big companies have operated for long across international boundaries , whether it be oil companies like Texaco or chemical companies like I C I erm or MacDonalds , you know one of the symbols that erm lets you know Russia had been opened up to the international community was the erm presence of a MacDonalds ' erm shop in Moscow .
9 Thus , whereas more than half of the straightforward deliveries of ‘ ordinary ’ books were made within 10 minutes , in the case of early or rare books only 45% of straightforward deliveries from the Main Building took under 20 minutes , and nearly half ( 47% ) took more than 35 minutes .
10 insist that your supermarket or local shops only stock goods in containers that can be returned or recycled
11 Feeding : It adapts well to the aquarium and should be fed on canned Norwegian brine shrimp and freeze-dried foods especially brine shrimp and Tubifex worms .
12 If political activity only amounts to selling the party newspaper outside a shopping centre , a lot of people will die waiting .
13 One large group has found that a typical leisure club with heated indoor swimming pool , spa bath , sauna , solarium , steam room , massage area and multi-gym costs about £350,000 to construct and equip .
14 Other insurers were firmer in the wake of Prudential 's results with Sun Alliance a penny up at 372p , General Accident 2p better at 670p and Commercial Union also 2p higher at 607p .
15 The new functionality includes distributed schemas that can be shared by application developers to ease development of related applications ; detachable databases for more flexible distribution of databases ; on-line incremental backup and restore for high availability of databases in production environments ; schema evolution and object migration for upgrading deployed object applications and new database administrative tools and programmatic interfaces so developers can include database administration functions in applications .
16 And lively Bradford forward Fairbank completed the rout of the League leaders with a final touchdown after racing at top speed onto Watson 's delicate short pass .
17 Second , there is a considerable and growing rejection of the overall legitimacy of the police among some sections of the population : youth , the economically marginal , and ethnic minorities especially Afro-Caribbeans .
18 The translation of the English volume is erratic , and the captions ' format and content need more thought .
19 The PowerBreaker Strip and Fit costs about £5 from Texas Homecare and other leading high street stores .
20 Mixtures of thymocytes and stromal cells rapidly reform ( within 12 hours ) into intact thymus lobes and were analysed for T-cell development in terms of lymphoid content and TCR , CD4 and CD8 expression after 9 days in culture ( Fig.2 ) .
21 Processing of Black and White materials both pos. and neg. including TEM and SEM
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what progress is being made with plans to give further education and sixth-form colleges more independence .
23 Most political philosophers — and I think most people-take the intermediate view that fairness and justice are to some degree independent of one another , so that fair institutions sometimes produce unjust decisions and unfair institutions just ones .
24 There are also specially commissioned children 's classics and exclusive Learning Together packs — and there 's even a selection of entertaining cassettes and ‘ talking books ’ to vary the stimulus !
25 Her house was falling down , a tree growing out of the chimney , and purple buddleia all summer from the guttering and up over her windowsills .
26 Tyzack 's UK turnover in 1988 was £2.5m. and world-wide billings around £7m .
27 Metro Link 's Metro-X server is priced at $300 and ATI graphics Ultra boards cost $600 for the 512K and $700 for the 1Mb board .
28 They had been stolen in 1907 causing both the British and Irish authorities much embarrassment , especially since they had vanished on the eve of a royal visit .
29 King Ecgfrith was advised by Cuthbert , bishop of Lindisfarne , and presumably informed circles among the northern Angles not to invade Pictland in 685 ( HE IV , 26 ) , and Cuthbert 's personal familiarity with the Niduari Picts in Fib ( Fife ) affords a glimpse of the probably extensive contacts between northern Anglian circles and Pictish communities immediately north of the Forth .
30 But the people trying to implement policies remain human , and therefore fallible , like the rest of us ; cases of ‘ indiscipline ’ , corruption and general inefficiency now surface with embarrassing frequency .
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