Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where the reading skill required is that of interpreting such things as labels and road signs , they should pursue the normal targets and programmes as far as possible for their own safety , though they may need help where practicable to interpret these things through other than ordinary visual means .
2 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
3 An attempt was made where possible to aspirate gastric juice using a Teflon catheter passed down the suction biopsy channel .
4 This will continue to be the primary means by which people are enabled to live normal lives in community settings … the first task of publicly provided services is to support and where possible strengthen these networks of carers ( Griffiths , 1988 , p. 5 ) .
5 As the economic conditions in many areas became more desperate and the existing ruling élites seemed less and less able or willing to take corrective measures , radical domestic reform , external aggression and colonial possessions were seen by some of the rural poor as the only positively proposed solution to their ills .
6 It used to be considered that , if a patient was compulsorily detained , treatment was then at the discretion of the psychiatrist in charge of the case because such a person was not always able or willing to give informed consent .
7 ‘ An individual shall be entitled ( a ) at reasonable intervals and without undue delay or expense ( i ) to be informed by any data user whether he holds personal data of which that individual is subject , and ( ii ) to access to any such data held by a data user ; and ( b ) where appropriate to have such data corrected or erased . ’
8 Throughout , we have drawn on the records of accounts and observations amassed through our fieldwork and ordered through working papers to illustrate the argument , and where appropriate to make evaluative comments along the way .
9 There 's Peach Nut for revitalising dry hair , Avocado to make normal hair types shine , and Lemon & Mint to make greasy hair more manageable , each costs 99p for 250ml .
10 Action plans included laying coats and baggage over every nearby seat , spreading the wrappings of the BR egg'n'cress far and wide ( before the new Sir Clement shrink-wrap ) or simple feigning noisy sleep at every station .
11 A mistake spotted now can be rectified on the polyester film , but once you have committed your design to the board , it could be difficult or impossible to effect any corrections .
12 This is a particularly good way of entering and remaining in more distant markets , or in any market where it is difficult or impossible to export finished goods .
13 ‘ 1(2) In determining whether a person is a fit and proper person to hold any particular position , regard shall be had to his probity , to his competence and soundness of judgement for fulfilling the responsibilities of that position , to the diligence with which he is fulfilling or likely to fulfil those responsibilities and to whether the interests of depositors or potential depositors of the institution are , or are likely to be , in any way threatened by his holding that position .
14 Is the wording of questionnaires ambiguous or likely to encourage particular replies ?
15 The Animals ( Scientific Procedures ) Act requires only that a ‘ protected animal ’ must be killed if , at the conclusion of a series of ‘ regulated procedures ’ it ‘ is suffering or likely to suffer adverse effects ’ ( section 15 ) , although it may be killed nonetheless . )
16 It would not be practical or useful to teach all learners of English to produce assimilations ; practice in making elisions is more useful , and it is clearly valuable to do exercises related to rhythm and linking .
17 Gardiner Group , where Scantronic sold 15 p.c. and ASH sold 17 p.c. a year ago , was untouched at 25p .
18 Gardiner Group , where Scantronic sold 15 p.c. and ASH sold 17 p.c. a year ago , was untouched at 25p .
19 For many teachers the self-appraisal failed to be a major event , either because they were not required to participate in any review activities or because they were unable or unwilling to devote much time to it .
20 But — with exceptions of course — it has at the same time been unable or unwilling to devote enough time and effort to understanding and pursing financial and accounting matters , perhaps because these often lack the immediate and general glamour of other aspects of policies .
21 But the authorities seem unable or unwilling to take tough action .
22 Waxing , a more traditional English technique employed by those unable or unwilling to undertake french polishing , ousted the latter by the 1920s , having run alongside it for the previous forty years .
23 Resulting deficiencies in the treatment of acutely ill patients can place intolerable burdens on their families and increase interpersonal friction , which may culminate in patients leaving home abruptly and being unable or unwilling to find alternative forms of shelter .
24 Yet Æthelred was not always militarily inactive , reluctant to see himself in a military light , or unwilling to make military preparations .
25 This will remove any possibility of bloom in the first year , but it will concentrate the plant 's mind on good long stems which will need tying in to a support like a pergola or arch to show next year 's bloom to best advantage .
26 There were blue plastic seats and a warning in four languages not to lean out of the window ; English , I noticed , requires more words than French , German or Italian to convey this advice .
27 To give time , you must have it — and to have it , you must either be out of work or able to spare valuable hours outside your job .
28 ( 3 ) The proposal is a friendly merger with the larger company wishing to acquire the smaller company but there is known to be a difficult minority shareholder in the smaller company holding above 10 per cent of the voting rights ( or able to muster that level of support against the proposal ) which could prevent the larger company implementing the compulsory sale procedures under CA 1985 , s429 .
29 None the less , they are not always willing or able to deploy this skill .
30 The cinema can show us eyes being gouged out , heads blown off , and aliens bursting from John Hurt 's entrails : when it comes to counterfeiting the mechanics of sexual congress , however , it admits defeat ; nor , in general , are performers willing or able to remedy this deficiency .
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