Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the first [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One symptom of the pope 's embarrassment is that for the first and last time he made a concession to Anselm on the subject of the primacy of Canterbury , which we must deal with later .
2 The important point emerges from the fact that in the first and third sentences we are dealing with a certain kind of disparity and in the second with the possibility of a disparity ( albeit one that is denied ) .
3 His left hand rested on the desk a silver ring set with a large brown stone on the little finger , and between the first and second fingers a cigarette with a thin blue tape of smoke rising steadily from it .
4 What some writers now term the ‘ widening gap ’ between the rich and the poor , both within countries and between the First and the Third Worlds , might tempt us to subscribe pessimistically to the view that the countries of the Third World are passive victims of the exercise of First World hegemon countries ' power .
5 But between the First and Second World Wars , the R-A-F staged just one major air show a year .
6 But between the First and Second World Wars , the R-A-F staged just one major air show a year .
7 Because in the first and second and in the third year we had very good staff who took a pride in the school .
8 However , it seems that whereas in the first and last instances the hearer is expected to endorse both the implicatures derived from the original and those derived from the reformulation , in the second ( the correction ) the reader is expected to endorse the implicatures derived from the reformulation instead of those derived from the original .
9 Each Saturday there will be guided tours for two of the churches on the list , while on the first and third Saturday of every month a concert of classical music will be held in one of the churches , the takings from which will go towards restoring a work of art .
10 Its name was once Aventicum , when in the first and second centuries AD it was the large and prosperous capital of the Roman province ( before which it had been the hill town tribal capital of the Helvetii ) .
11 Thirdy , the owner 's belief as to the first and second elements must be reasonable .
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