Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [v-ing] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His decision to take a year off from international rugby has left selectors with the difficult choice of going for a short-term replacement or of opting for long-term continuity .
2 When such means failed the extended family gave support most often in the form of food or of caring for some children of the family until a crisis was over , or permanently if it was sustained .
3 Or to Angmering for that matter . ’
4 This loss of immunoreactivity in serum and urine can be prevented by the addition of 20 mM zinc acetate or by boiling for 10 minutes .
5 Overall , however , the work done by Box and Hale for England and Wales suggests that after controlling for other relevant variables , rising levels of unemployment have been associated with the increased use of imprisonment .
6 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
7 If they fear that in calling for quiet , and seeking to ensure it where the subject declines to desist , they might themselves be the objects of violence , the offence is made out .
8 They disagreed with the view that in caring for sick charity begins at home .
9 But one thing seems clear : during the past decade the Government has been more intent on reducing the powers of local authorities than on providing for fundamental changes in the social conditions of the inner cities .
10 Decisions on the propriety of stocking a particular publication must depend very much on his or her own judgment and good sense , rather than on waiting for legal counsel .
11 Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan for satisfying the medical , psychological , and personal needs of the patients and for catering for potential problems .
12 Well because I think a thanksgiving service for victory and for praying for those who 've died on both sides , I think that 's perfectly reasonable , but a victory parade , goodness a hundred thousand Iraquis died .
13 But post GATT the occupier 's surplus from arable farming falls to £1500 and after allowing for other income total income would be only about £4000 .
14 On April 6 Brightness was lasooed and after struggling for half an hour was ignominiously hauled from the water .
15 At 14 months , all rate were killed by exsanguination under general anaesthesia and after fasting for 15 hours .
16 Blom settled in England shortly before the war of 1914–18 , and after working for two music publishers — Breitkopf & Härtel in Berne and J. & W. Chester in London — began to make his name in 1919 as a writer of programme notes for the Promenade Concerts .
17 And after working for seven minutes I am already feeling the need for the ingestion of sugar .
18 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
19 In thus questioning whether poverty should be defined as existence in conditions below the barest subsistence minimum , or whether a higher minimum standard should be established in the interests of humanity and of aiming for high national standards of comfort and efficiency , Bowley and his colleagues raised for the first time some of the problems concerning the definition of poverty , which have remained at issue ever since .
20 He still dreamt of avenging the shame of Kosovo and of ending for all time the ‘ long Turkish night ’ .
21 A. Two great inventions , about 1800 , caused a massive rapid expansion of industry and of housing for extra workers .
22 It is clear that individuals in the ‘ higher ’ occupational groupings are far more likely to have high incomes and to be owner-occupiers than those in the lower groupings , and it is also clear that children of higher category parents have a much better chance of extending their education beyond the minimum , and of qualifying for higher status occupations themselves ( Goldthorpe , 1980 , Halsey et al . ,
23 Performance-related pay for general practitioners ( GPs ) — an innovation bitterly resisted by the British Medical Association — is already driving up rates of childhood immunisation and of testing for cervical cancer .
24 There are contested arguments for and against charging for social services , which resemble the more general argument about markets we reviewed in Chapter 3 .
25 Fourthly , the comprehensive multidisciplinary assessments of individual older people have a key role in the overall evaluation of service provision and in planning for future development .
26 Even if the primary focus is the needs of an older person , the counsellor can not afford to ‘ take sides ’ , but should instead aim to help the whole family face up to and develop a wider understanding of the problems and difficulties that exist in old age , and in caring for older people .
27 The latter sounded his horn impatiently , and without waiting for any sign nosed his car into the middle lane , accelerating as he did so .
28 And by deferring for five years the right to purchase the balance of LIN 's shares BT is protected against a downturn in cellular company prices .
29 It is a truism , but worth stating for all that : as teachers , academics ’ first responsibility is to their teaching ( i.e. to their students ) ; it is not to their research .
30 Communication is not a matter of trying to " put something " into the other person 's perception but of arranging for that perception to , temporarily , coincide with one 's own .
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