Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [det] time [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The gendarme stood bewildered for a moment , and then ran into the street , where for some time he could be heard blowing his whistle .
2 Now , I leave entirely on one side the question why on earth the present ratio between profits and incomes generally is so supremely right that for all time it ought to be preserved , or at any rate allowed only to diminish , regardless of anything else that happens , such as the growth of savings and accumulation of capital .
3 Gradually they learn to discriminate , although for some time they can not determine what is influencing the mother 's movements towards or away from them .
4 It estimates that in that time it cut its carbon dioxide emissions by more than 20 per cent .
5 On the other hand , the mere fact that in that time she has overtaken it most one of some 20 countries that outranked her in per capita terms is enough to establish that her record is less than spectacular .
6 He was lucky not to get a prison sentence and claims that since that time he has remained sober .
7 Now in the old we had er quite a reasonable scheme on this actual erm but you see , about ten years ago I think it was , there was another estate built on to , it 's called and although at that time we made the strongest possible representation for improvements and traffic calming in which is the only road that goes in and nothing was done .
8 While in hospital I had mentioned to my surgeon that I intended to go to the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , although at that time I had not actually made up my mind .
9 He played no part in the newly founded Royal Society or the College of Physicians , although at this time he began to describe himself as an ‘ MD ’ .
10 Jacobitism became attractive to a variety of different groups in the 1690s , including commonwealth Whigs , although at this time it still had little support in society at large .
11 Lane accepted it without comment , although at another time he might have pressed for more of an answer ; he was n't a man who liked to be kept in the dark .
12 Yeah , but my old man he 's a , he 's driving he was driving the one of the that 's , that erm , Lieutenant Colonel was in at the time of the , and he , he was in there and he said my old man knows for certain that at that time they were under fire , cos they drove in and picked up two bodies and put them in the back of the jeep all under fire
13 Fourthly , the 1966 White Paper made it plain that at that time it was the government 's intention that the polytechnics should remain primarily teaching institutions ; as the DES notes of guidance subsequently indicated , research would be justified only in so far as it was of educational value to the teaching staff and of benefit to industry and business .
14 But above all , I needed something that at that time I was quite unable to put into words .
15 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
16 The reason I am interested is that at that time I was off work for six months and I suspected I had the illness .
17 We asked after Pop and were glad to hear that at that time he was still well .
18 Perhaps it was fortunate that at that time he discovered girls , and a year later met the Dawsons , who always seemed to have time to stop and gossip with him .
19 A great advertisement , you might think , for the use of steroids — except that at that time she did n't use them .
20 Most hotels maintain records of the occupancy of the room so that at any time they can refer to it and see when and by whom the room was occupied .
21 The moral is clear : when gustiness is getting near to the limit for safe flying , assume that at any time it could suddenly increase .
22 It may be that at this time he was retained also by Simon of Montfort , Earl of Leicester [ q.v. ] , who had awarded him a money fee before 1245 .
23 So we called round but could n't find a record company , although by this time he was with RCA .
24 He grew very portly as an old man and although by this time he had become something of a legend to the other members of his club ( " The Hero of Krishnapur " ) , one might have thought that he himself had entirely forgotten about the siege .
25 It has been shown above that , on the basis of the careers of a number of Muftis in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries , one might tentatively conclude that by that time it was as a practical matter desirable , if not absolutely necessary , to have taught on at least two levels of medreses beyond the Sahn in order to have a chance to attain the highest office in the learned profession .
26 Do you really think that by that time you will … ‘
27 Ironically , the most successful and varied stage of Hardy 's architectural career came under Crickmay between 1869 and 1872 , despite the fact that by this time he was working on a freelance basis while writing his first novels .
28 In the court case of June 1790 , Henry Cecil was awarded £1000 damages and a divorce , but what makes the whole story so remarkable is that by this time he was already secretly remarried .
29 Area manager Beth Robinson says : ‘ Our business in Finaghy has steadily increased year by year and for some time we have been looking for premises , in a prominent location , which would give us the space we now need .
30 It did n't require much capital to manufacture the equipment or produce the short films , and for some time it was possible for small craftsmen on the British model to keep up with the big boys in France or the US .
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