Example sentences of "[conj] [n mass] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
2 In early February the Senate was reported to have been considering government proposals to reject responsibility for more than $200,000,000 in loans to the Stroessner government from international lending agencies .
3 The US Treasury released a study showing that in 1988 US-controlled foreign corporations reported $890bn in revenues and paid more than $25bn in taxes to foreign governments .
4 As he started a 112-day sentence in London 's Pentonville prison for failing to pay more than £10,000 in maintenance to his estranged wife Becky , the 37-year-old aristocrat also faced new charges of attacking police sent to arrest him .
5 The heir to the £100m Blenheim estate is set to serve 112 days for failing to pay more than £10,000 in maintenance to his estranged wife Becky , and now also faces new charges of attacking police sent to arrest him yesterday .
6 Marcos fairy tale A touching story has reached me from the Manila Times of how Ferdinand Marcos had planned to bequeath more than £2.5bn in gold to his beloved people , but fell ill before he could sign the will .
7 Dr Dan Benor , who is setting up a doctor/healer network , finds , perhaps surprisingly , that people in Britain are far more receptive than people in America to exploring this innovative approach .
8 MIRROR Group Newspapers has paid more than £12m in fees to its advisers since the death of Robert Maxwell and the discovery that the company and its pension fund were the victims of a massive fraud last November .
9 MIRROR Group Newspapers has paid more than £12m in fees to its advisers since the death of Robert Maxwell and the discovery that the company and its pension fund were the victims of a massive fraud last November .
10 They ordered chicken breasts in jelly and invalid grapes for Daisy , and grouse in aspic to be sent when she was better .
11 A hard reset will cause all the programs and data in RAM to be lost and a soft reset may possibly leave the computer in an unstable condition which will lead to an eventual software failure .
12 A hard reset will cause all the programs and data in RAM to be lost and there is a possibility that a soft reset may leave the computer in an unstable condition which will lead to an eventual soft-ware-failure .
13 Tiday Wensum through Norwich in form for small roach , dace and bream in weights to 12 lb .
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