Example sentences of "[conj] [n mass] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A SNOWSTORM of money threw a city street into chaos yesterday when more than £150,000 fell off the back of an armoured car .
2 Ticket sales for this year 's Ryedale Festival have got off to a record start with more than £16,000 netted in the first three weeks and some events are already sold out , says director Geoffrey Emmerson .
3 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
4 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
5 In his opening address to delegates , De Marco said that people looked to the UN for moral and political guidance for a resolution of the Gulf crisis .
6 That regrettable reminder that people existed outside the Casa Pinar had cooled everything to fast-freeze point .
7 When I raised it as Chairman at the General Management Committee , I was disgusted to find that people laughed at the very subject that was so important to women who 've come up here today to let us know the consequences of what was happening .
8 After the treatment her hair shone like burnished copper from scalp to tip , such a beautiful shade of red that people turned in the street to stare as she passed by .
9 Large trees grew from the interstices of the stone and sheep brouzed on the edge of every precipice .
10 47% of actuality contributions on all programmes were made by ministers and Opposition front-bench spokespersons and 53% came from the back-benches .
11 The hedgehog and vole went into the tunnel together and when they came out they were in Sergeant 's garden .
12 That and the rain , which stained the concrete a dirty brown , gave the place a deserted look even during term-time , but the fact that it was so close to London meant that it really was deserted at the weekends as students and staff headed for the bright lights .
13 On one December Saturday , Hannah sat in the Craven Herald Bookshop in Skipton and people queued through the premises , out of the door , down an alleyway and along the High Street .
14 Then the front door was smashed down and people streamed into the house .
15 After Calgary ( population : 400,000 ; rail service after January : one train a week , summer only ) we were in the mountains , and people crowded into the dome car for the high spot of the trip .
16 the weather on that September day in 1859 was fine and people crowded into the town in great numbers .
17 Pie day had dawned bright and clear but tons of straw and cinders had to be hastily brought in as vehicles and people sank in the mud caused by the torrential rain of the past few days .
18 Leaves murmured , and foxglove and mallow nodded by the path ; and a butterfly glinted past like a flake of amber .
19 ‘ Wheeeeeeeee ! ’ yelled Joe , jumping on to the back of the chair , and he and Min whizzed down the street , bumping on the uneven paving slabs .
20 The night before the wedding , they went out to all their favourite haunts — 1997 , Rick 's Café , the Go-Down — and ended up at two in the morning getting out of a taxi in Wan Chai , the neon blazing in the hot night , dark-eyed Chinese girls in brightly lit doorways , American sailors talking to them while people slept on the pavements and steaming noodles were served at three dollars a bowl at the poor-man 's lean-to restaurant .
21 The discovery was made at 11.30am after staff arrived at the pub and found they could not get in .
22 When Roe won for the first time at the Catalan Open in 1989 , it was predicted that he would become a regular winner on Tour .
23 As people went to the polls in the Serb-held city of Banja Luka in northern Bosnia , bulldozers cleared away the remains of two 16th-century mosques blown up the previous week .
24 For a moment she lost her mother in the crowd of horses and riders and foot followers , as people jostled for the best position , or to ride alongside their fancy .
25 The numbers swelled later as people streamed to the Neumarkt square after work to hear the Chancellor speaking in front of the church ruins .
26 Picture to yourself the furore which they will make in the world when people read on the title-page that they have been composed by a seven-year-old child ; and when the sceptics are challenged to test him , as he already has been , imagine the sensation when he asks someone to write down a minuet or some tune or other and then immediately and without touching the clavier writes in the bass and , if it is wanted , the second violin part … every day God performs fresh miracles through this child .
27 The snow sparkled in the sunshine outside the window and nobody really minded much when people came into the room and said ‘ Happy Christmas ’ .
28 When people came to the doors they stood on the step talking and looking over at our side of the street .
29 The contribution of the Coca-Cola Company is to be mentioned when works restored in the new laboratory are reproduced .
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