Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the support or not for these values , the book fails to recognize the wider changes that have gone on in the family and in gender relations , changes which may be quite separate in origin from the question of poverty , although they add to the poverty of women and children .
2 In Germany , municipal waste can be landfilled only after being sorted and processed ; in France , tough new landfill standards have recently been introduced ; in Britain , higher standards for new landfills ( although not for existing ones ) are being introduced under the terms of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act .
3 It is more common than not for upper-class women to join some religious or philanthropic organization which engages in charity work with the poor , in sharp contrast to the Popular Church 's emphasis on self-organization for change .
4 I think it is important for trade unionists to realise this , so they know their fellow trade unionists are sitting on these appeal panels to try to ensure justice is done , and not for financial gain .
5 Citrine was happy to tell them , in the traditional ( if somewhat imprecise ) formula , that the industry was now to be operated in the national interest and not for private gain .
6 Well , on the news just now the speculation was that the dosh is needed to pay for the refurbishment of the ground and not for new players .
7 Indeed , slavery was patently on the decline , and not for humanitarian reasons either , though the effective ending of the international slave-trade by British pressure ( Brazil resigned itself to abolition in 1850 ) clearly cut the supply of slaves and raised their price .
8 It would be even nicer to think he was trying to make her jealous because he still cared for her and not for pure spite , and it would be nice if she sobered up and faced life 's harsh realities !
9 ‘ They do things for the fell of it and not for some kind of career motive .
10 Will my hon. Friend assure my constituents and the House that the Conservative party and Ministers in Scotland are fighting to ensure that that workshop , which has a record of excellence and can carry out plating work which saves the Government millions of pounds on buying replacement parts , will continue because of its record and not for sentimental reasons ?
11 ( c ) Where the regulations confer a discretion on directors with regard to the acceptance of transfers , this discretion , like all the directors ' powers , is a fiduciary one to be exercised bona fide in what they consider — not what the court considers — to be in the interest of the company , and not for any collateral purpose .
12 These are however matters for the Law Commission and not for this appeal .
13 He emphasized that peace had to be preserved for the entire human race and not for particular sections of it , pointing out that the word ‘ civilization ’ could be applied to a wide diversity of values .
14 But anything outside that is a matter for governmental regulation , and not for parliamentary laws .
15 The proposals are intended as a package and not for piecemeal negotiation .
16 Dr James D Gallagher , director of medical research at Lederle Laboratories , has said : ‘ Animal studies are done for legal reasons , and not for scientific ones . ’
17 So , he WAS wanted , he supports Leeds , he s lived in Leeds all his life , why else would he want to move if not for financial reasons ? ? ?
18 However , Mr Hassell did end on a positive note — at least for leasing , if not for other forms of business finance .
19 ‘ Anna and the prince had been married , well , if not for twenty years , not much short of it .
20 In the case of Health , there is the special relief at having escaped from those incessant wrangles over money with income-orientated professions , whose members are taken by the general public for altruistic servants of humanity , if not for angelic comforters .
21 So maybe the end is in sight for theoretical physicists , if not for theoretical physics .
22 What you should recognize is that it is a warning sign that you have been doing too much , and that you need to get away from the patient , at least for short periods in the day , if not for some days or weeks .
23 Would have saved Yukio and Jesus too if not for bad luck . ’
24 In reply , we would point out that , before we can even raise the question of correlation between linguistic expressions and extra-linguistic phenomena , we have to know what the linguistic expressions are , and for speakers and hearers ( even if not for strict behaviourists ) this means understanding them .
25 Those Acts provided not for full representation of the peerage of Scotland in the new House , but for the election by peers of Scotland ( who were not also peers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ) of 16 of their number to sit .
26 Exercise 6 suggests a method for dealing with the case where the LP is unbounded or infeasible at θ = 0 , but not for all values of 0 .
27 He stressed that the CP would continue to demand a whites-only general election , and that " this is not the end of the political war " ; the CP would recognize the referendum result " as the actual situation , but not for all eternity " .
28 C3 , C4 and C5 — For the complete areas of study but not for individual elements
29 They may well provide insight and help for other behavioural disorders but not for addictive disease as such .
30 These results are typical of the others : the speculative efficiency hypothesis is rejected for some but not for other exchange rates .
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