Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Because she has not been caught either , or not so blatantly that one has had to stop pretending to look the other way .
2 ‘ Indeed , ’ he said flatly , ‘ we see one among them who does not serve you , Khan , or not so far as we are aware .
3 It went on falling steadily , although not so rapidly as this .
4 However , there do exist , and not so uncommonly that they can be safely ignored , minimal semantic constituents which consist of more than one word .
5 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
6 A social work career was developed in connection with this work , but not so effectively as was the case in the children 's departments .
7 In fact , closed crowns had been employed in the fifteenth century , as early as the coronation of Henry IV , but not so regularly that the historian can assume that there was any conscious policy behind the practice .
8 Jerome had done foully , but not so foully as he himself and all here believed .
9 ‘ Those notices , ’ announced Gus clearly to the general air , but not so loudly as to reach unauthorised ears , ‘ mean exactly what they say .
10 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
11 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
12 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
13 I wonder if you are using ( in lectures ) a statement I remember you making in talk , but not so far as I can recall , in print .
14 By now Dr Neil was in an agony of desire , the loved one in his arms , so near and yet so far — But not so far as he thought , for McAllister suddenly wanted more from him than he was giving .
15 Sometimes I forget people too , but not so often as places .
16 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
17 ‘ The quads were great fun but not so hard as the crosscountry skiing we did .
18 Still sobbing , but not so wretchedly as before , the boy raised his right arm .
19 A 45-minute session makes you feel relaxed and slightly dazed , but not so severely that you ca n't go shopping afterwards .
20 Melissa was on her way in a flash , but not so quickly that she missed the knowing look on Iris 's face .
21 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , picking her way delicately for his sake , ‘ the cloth still finds its way in , though not so freely and not so profitably .
22 If you had the money and the leisure in Brazil , and Emerson 's family gave him both — though not so lavishly as , say , Piquet 's family — motor racing was something perfectly natural .
23 Here too , though not so strongly as in the Hestia , I seem to glimpse a masterpiece behind the marble .
24 Internal security police still dog real or imagined opponents , though not so blatantly as last year .
25 He made her a bow , lighter and smaller than his , until she could shoot with it almost as well as Allen himself , though not so far because the light bow would n't carry .
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