Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it may have still seemed a lot of money at I think one thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds , I ca n't comment or not not having seen the size of the estate , but it compares quite well with the five thousand one hundred and sixty sixty pound Five hu Five thousand seven hundred and sixteen pounds that the Midland bank charge on the particular estate .
2 Moving now to lesser developed countries , a general review of conservation programmes of Algeria , Tunisia and Morocco ( Bensalem in FAO 1977a : 159 ) concludes that ‘ soil conservation practices in North Africa have been focussed mainly on corrective mechanical measures , which in most cases have been insufficient or not suitably adapted to counter erosion problems ’ He goes on , like so many other commentators , about the lack of applied knowledge of both the appropriate technical options ( e.g. the successional capacity of the native plant cover which can be used to rehabilitate degraded land ) , but also , very significantly , ‘ there are soil conservation and dune afforestation schemes dating back thirty years , some succeeding and others failing , but without explanation of why ’ ( p. 159 ) .
3 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
4 As Cross ( 1988 ) reports , there are thirty-six countries producing tropical timber and thirty-three market countries which are party to this agreement that not only aims to regulate the tropical timber trade but to promote sustainable use and conservation of tropical forests .
5 It was recognised that what would be most welcomed by policymakers and others was a service that not only helped to keep people out of institutions if that was their wish , but did so in a way that was both acceptable to recipients and less expensive than alternative institutional care .
6 The first major place we reached was a city called Oradea where we realised that not much had changed in Romania since our last visit .
7 The significance of this is that not merely does sight — particularly the excellent stereoscopic colour vision of the primates — require a developed cerebral cortex , but it also tends to mean progressive emancipation from the basic chemical and pheromonal control of behaviour seen in many mammals in which the sense of smell has retained its pristine importance .
8 They ‘ soldier on ’ , and not infrequently find coping strength and skill which they did not know they had .
9 All major WordPerfect products will be developed for IBM OS/2 2.0 Although technically superior to Microsoft Windows and even offering Windows 3.0 software compatibility , OS/2 suffers from not having a large enough software base and not yet having reached a critical mass of users .
10 With a heavy sigh , and not even daring to look at her slim , almost naked form in the mirror , Laura slowly made her way out of the cottage , and down towards the ocean .
11 But he had done none of these things Instead he had kept his temper , and not even threatened to raise his hand .
12 When you are tired out and upset with yourself for not having taken that extra piece of lift some miles back , there can be a tendency to become apathetic and not even try to prevent an accident .
13 No one really sensible would have got into such a mess in Other world — letting the panic take over and not even trying to think straight .
14 It 's like having a perpetual Christmas Day and not even having to thank Santa Claus .
15 If I kicked him on the shin I bet he 'd limp away and not even glance to see who 'd done it .
16 If the redundancy package is too generous many staff will opt for that and not even consider relocating .
17 And if they are to develop critical abilities , and to see their work in a wider perspective , that too must be built into the curriculum and not just expected to happen .
18 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
19 We 've too many men on our books and not enough work to go round .
20 I have I have read it elsewhere and not necessarily having read the doc the whole of the document of the Leeds U D P but on that note , since Leeds leads would you like
21 The innocent purchaser must have bought ( and not merely agreed to buy ) the goods .
22 As a breeding bird the Mallard is widely distributed throughout the county and not always confined to wet habitats ; breeding has been established in several downland localities , for example Rewell Wood .
23 If you force people to choose between a family and a job I suppose , you know , women lots of women choose the family erm the only way women will achieve more educationally is to be able to combine the two things and not always have to make these crippling decisions and choices between two things which most human beings want , so there is a lot of money being spent on research into sex inequality and so on , and that 's encouraging , but I think it 's being spent in slightly the wrong way and I think there 's a tendency to evade the crucial issues which are , of course , rather deep social issues about the organization of the family and work and they take a lot of changing , so I am ambivalent about that one .
24 Hence Dahl argues against Walker that ‘ he insists upon interpreting as if they were normative or deontological certain writings that were mainly if not wholly intended to set out descriptive empirical theories ’ .
25 It meant that Yorkshire , if not previously committed to open plan , had no choice than to adopt one .
26 By contrast , the presence of a relatively small number of unions — even if not entirely structured according to the principle of one per industry at least covering large sections of industry — appears to be associated with markedly fewer inter-union jurisdictional disputes .
27 Many of the suspicions which existed when the unit was set up , both about the political motivation for its creation and the likely effects of national monitoring on the curriculum , have been allayed ( if not entirely put to rest ) by the way in which the exercise has been carried out , by the sensitivities displayed by the monitoring teams , by the way in which groups of teachers up and down the country have been involved in the development , trialling and pre-testing of materials , and by the cool , impartial way in which the results have been presented .
28 If J. A. Hobson was justified in speaking of a ‘ crisis of Liberalism ’ in 1909 , it is equally if not more justified to think of the Edwardian period in terms of a ‘ crisis of Conservatism ’ .
29 Prijon plastic definitely ameliorates if not quite gets rid of this problem .
30 This sea change is neatly embodied in the name of one Biarritz hotel which I noticed , the Victoria-Surf , whose owners are evidently hedging their bets , looking to the democratic future but not yet prepared to give up the blue blooded past .
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