Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
2 Cessation of growth is most likely to result from starvation , which may arise because : the whelks eat out their food supply , or the supply fails for some other reason ( perhaps as a result of pollution Bryan ( 1969 ) ; wave action dislodges the whelks and transports them away from their food supply , or prevents them from feeding in some other way ( Cowell and Crothers , 1970 ) ; the temperature drops so low that the whelks become inactive for a long period ( Feare , 1970a ) .
3 Timing is good ; this tends to be particularly noticeable in recordings such as the Keith Jarrett interpretation of Bach 's Goldberg Variations , which has superbly organic style that is pulled this way and that , but which never spoils the music or prevents it from working .
4 Very few studies have sought to position shoplifting within a broader social and political sphere , where women in particular are vulnerable to a consumer fetishism that drives them to lawbreaking
5 Close to the centre of Kitzbühel is this four-star hotel that prides itself on maintaining high standards .
6 As you 'd expect from the range that prides itself on keeping your garden in shape .
7 The kind of electric jab that stings you into pulling your tentacles back fast .
8 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
9 The only thing that worries me about taking that out is that you then create a massive empty space , if you have got
10 Many plants native to natural mixed woodland flower and produce their leaves early in the year , before deciduous trees have developed a full canopy , and welcome the shade in summer that protects them from scorching in full sun .
11 IT 'S DIFFICULT to know whether Joe Bear 's statement ‘ we 're out of tune but you 'll just have to put up with it ’ is an apology or the title of the first song , as Huggy Bear embark upon a set that includes lots of shouting , inept but enthusiastic attempts to play their instruments and generally deconstructs the rock myth with the viciousness of a tantrum in the nursery .
12 But our deepest fears should be reserved for everything that keeps us from becoming more human , more personal , or more spiritual .
13 A lot of Americans are meanwhile disenchanted with an alliance that commits them to defending a Europe that could do more for itself — especially a Europe that offers America so little , so ungraciously , in return .
14 It is however an interesting program that takes you through placing the actors to shooting frames .
15 ‘ But there is nothing intrinsically wrong with Diana 's chart , whereas I can look at Charles 's chart and say I think there is something that prevents him from making the throne .
16 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions .
17 So that 's what privatization is about and how do we stop the privatization how do we really represent the members by attacking the legislation that prevents us from acting in a spontaneous manner , which will assist our members in their hour of need .
18 I am sure that one of the things that prevents us from accepting help is that we think other people wo n't do things the way we do them .
19 ‘ And is it that sublime confidence in yourself that prevents you from marrying her ?
20 Although many believe coverage of such hotel costs ( along with universal access and comprehensiveness ) is one of the distinguishing features of the Canadian system that prevents it from becoming a US-style two-tiered system , Clemenhagen says the need to maintain the system 's integrity must be balanced by ‘ the need for responsible deficit reduction ’ .
21 A washable fitted carpet is best in the bathroom and well-fitting washable carpet tiles , with a backing material that prevents it from creeping , in the kitchen .
22 Surely the time has arrived for the British Royal Family to put a proper end to the speculation that surrounds it by telling the truth .
23 It is only my subscription to Punch that stops me from taking a midnight walk off the roof .
24 It is fear that stops us from living a life of fulfilment .
25 It is often guilt or fear that stops us from telling the truth .
26 And it is the latter that preoccupies her in Playing in The Dark , a slim , supple volume of three essays exploring ‘ whiteness and the literary imagination ’ .
27 Much may be blamed on the impermeable Alan Beith , who has been at Berwick since 1973 and thinks nothing to striding round five villages , after starting on Holy Island in the sort of rain that suggests God getting out the strap , and then darting up to Duns in what was Berwickshire , Scotland , to do a broadcast .
28 He has never stayed in any one place longer than a couple of years and prides himself on knowing when to go .
29 Once the Highland mansion of the Keiller family of Dundee , the 4-star Craigendarroch Hotel has all the charm of an old country house … and prides itself on offering the high standards of yesteryear .
30 It boasts a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and prides itself on offering a high standard of service .
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