Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 During this time various encoding operations may be performed upon the stored information which enables some representation of the stimulus to be held in a short term memory store , after which it either drops out or is transferred into some other more durable store .
2 A paranoid reproach is aimed at all females by an Amis-like figure , who then reproaches himself , or is reproached by some other Amis agent detectable in the novel .
3 Whereas Cipriani , in all his dealings , retained a high degree of honour , albeit confused , those that superseded him after 1938 , heralded in a period that is recognised by some as the nadir of political life in Trinidad .
4 At the other end of the scale the ‘ When in Rome do as the Romans ’ is no excuse for dropping to the level of a curse between every other word that is met in some otherwise honest circles .
5 The poverty that is created in some African countries by a combination of the debt crisis , poor harvests and droughts forces people to seek survival somewhere else .
6 I paddle quickly , aware too that the Ocean 's cold has gnawed its way uncomfortably through the thin GRP of the kayak and into my poorly protected flesh Tony waits for me , to point out a small brown luck that is lurking among some rocks to our right .
7 The sort of rebounding abuse , the trickster tricked , the reader ( ironically ) laughing at an image he does not realize is his own , that she describes , is indeed a pattern that is found in some fabliaux .
8 With few exceptions the participants in our study of talk about classroom violence and its accounting are from one school that is graced by some of the fans .
9 The Euro Cities Conference was also important because it was the founding of that organisation formally and it was important to go there and say to the big monopoly that 's emerging between some of the Western European cities , the big six , Birmingham , Barcelona , Frankfurt , Rotterdam , Milan and Strasbourg , that they were n't gon na get it all their own way and they were n't going to monopolise those funds that were available for links with Eastern Europe .
10 The guest turns the pages and is perplexed by some of the photos .
11 Poor Pat already thinks he 's been raised from the dead and is destined for some great thing , to help Marcus to save the world ! ’
12 The law recognises degrees of homicide other than murder and is observed with some nicety on the matter of recklessness or assault with intent to cause bodily harm .
13 If the material is not topical and is delayed for some time before being sent out the date should be changed .
14 This is a simplification of the truth since the Bank clearly now offers advice upon what policy it sees as feasible in given circumstances and is bound by some of its responsibilities to represent the interests of some areas of the financial system .
15 SCMC is also said to improve overall detergency of a product by assisting in soil suspension and is regarded by some more as a suspension agent than a thickener .
16 Once again opinions vary as to whether conditions should be attached with the aim of controlling odour pollution and is regarded by some planners as an undesirable duplication of powers , a view endorsed by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution especially with regard to planning conditions designed to control air pollution from registered works .
17 Unilever operates world wide and is divided into some 500 operating companies .
18 Video is a relatively new medium for in-house communications and is used by some companies to great effect .
19 The advantage for the butterfly is that if a bird seizes it by the wings , and is reminded of some earlier unpleasant experience with the species and its toxin , it will release the insect unharmed : a bluejay that has never seen a monarch butterfly will readily catch and eat it ; but within 15–30 minutes the toxins in the butterfly 's body cause the bird to vomit , and one such encounter is sufficient to make a bluejay avoid monarchs thereafter .
20 The film is sentimental , but is saved by some smashing performances , in particular the statuesque Geena Davis as down-to-earth Dottie Hinson , star player and backbone of the team , who completely overshadows kid sister , Kit ( Lori Petty ) .
21 It is no longer something mystical but is seen by some as an internal commentary on our own behaviour ( Gazzaniga 1985 ) .
22 Unemployment is not equally distributed among all groups in society but is concentrated among some of the poorest and least powerful in the labour force and in society as a whole .
23 Where a partner is permitted to work less than full time , this should be set out clearly ; ( b ) the extent to which a partner must not just be available to do work for the firm but is put under some positive obligation to promote the interests of the practice .
24 Another way out of the problem of fraud could be to require from both parties the presentation of a birth certificate as a prerequisite for the issuing of a marriage licence , as is done in some states in the United States .
25 One thing is certain , that the last Lord Derwentwater , not long before his death , was frequently at Keswick , but according to Green it is not equally certain , that he then ( as is affirmed by some ) inhabited the house upon the island ; on the contrary , it rather seems that his being at Keswick , was only on visits from his family place at Dilston .
26 The cylinder index and any higher-level indexes : it is unlikely that any but the largest files will require more than one cylinder for these indexes , although a complete cylinder has often to be set aside for them , as is required by some manufacturers ' software .
27 The brief comments on modern social beliefs have suggested that contemporary consciousness may not be as internally homogeneous as is implied by some of the writings of social representation theorists .
28 It could be argued , however , that if a PhD really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
29 It could be argued , however , that if a Ph D really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
30 In fact , however , as is shown in some detail in chapter 11 , while the Conservatives have been very committed to public ‘ expenditure restraint and have stopped the growth of public employment , they too have found social policy expenditure hard to curb .
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