Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her first thought was to pick a young teenager 's romance of the kind that is written for fifteen-year-old schoolgirls , but for some reason she found herself instinctively walking past that particular shelf .
2 They will welcome the support that is given for that process from the centre .
3 The usual test that is given for this is the Snellen chart for visual acuity , which is well known to anyone who has had a routine medical examination .
4 It is clear from these brief analyses that the nature and scope of the context that is constructed for each individual poem does not simply depend on the choice of deictic expressions in the text , but rather results from the combined effect of a wide range of variables , including the content of the text as a whole , and the attitudes and experiences that readers bring to the text or develop during reading .
5 In this range , solutions for some initial conditions tend to one of the steady state solutions whereas those for others exhibit indefinitely the sort of behaviour that is found for all initial conditions when .
6 Only such a theory can generate rules which can be accepted as having the sort of ethical authority that is required for international law to be taken seriously as the ultimate arbiter of international relations .
7 If we do this often enough , and most of us do , then these ways of being become habitual and eventually the muscle tension that is required for these unnatural positions becomes fixed into our body .
8 Nevertheless , some of these recommendations offer the possibility of co-ordinated purpose to user education and also perhaps stimulate the co-operation that is required for further development .
9 Rigorous stretching exercises and taekwondo go hand in hand , for without pushing the muscles beyond their normal use , the sinews and tendons will not gain the elasticity that is required for dynamic kicking techniques .
10 PKA represents a single protein kinase A phosphoacceptor site that is required for transcriptional activation ( 7 ) .
11 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
12 Those that do come are small pallid workers , inching their way in long columns across the floor and down the shafts to collect the moist mud that is needed for further building work .
13 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
14 This again is relevant to school tasks since it is near vision that is used for close work such as reading and writing .
15 This is in clear contrast to the divergence model in Indo-European studies , and as a result of this contrast , the shape that emerges from historical language description ( from ancient times to the present day ) is not so much a pyramidal shape ( with gradual convergence at the top ) as a funnel shape ( the kind that is used for pouring liquids ) , as in figure 3.1 .
16 We have a right to be represented in a women 's magazine that 's fighting for equal representation .
17 Light : Needs very good light over a longer period than is used for other water plants Water temperature : 68°–78°F .
18 The production of stress is generally believed to depend on the speaker using more muscular energy than is used for unstressed syllables .
19 In an age where the ability of the land to produce more food than is required for many parts of the world is a fact of life , the argument for organic farming methods has never been stronger .
20 Light : Requires bright light over a longer period than is required for most aquarium plants .
21 Readers are reminded that there is far more material given here than is needed for any particular scheme of study .
22 But Ian Shiels , who works in the warehouse and has been responsible for football activity in the past , is aware of this and is hoping for better things to come .
23 Poor Pat already thinks he 's been raised from the dead and is destined for some great thing , to help Marcus to save the world ! ’
24 Now he 's sueing the Ford motor company in America and is calling for improved safety in all vehicles .
25 Preston this dank October morn has encountered greater hazards and is prepared for more .
26 The 3270/X software will provide 3270 client capability , with integrated access to other network resources such as Unix , X-Windows applications and standard character terminal applications , and is planned for first quarter 1993 .
27 The nursery is situated at 79 and 81 Dalkeith Road and is registered for 18 children aged from 6 weeks to 2 years and for 30 children aged from 2 to 5 years old .
28 Louis Gerstner was by no means the first , and IBM Corp has been actively hiring executives from outside the company since the beginning of the year , Associated Press reports : it says that IBM has hired about 30 outside executives in the past two years and is searching for 50 more ; incomers include Robert Howe , 48 , general manager , IBM Consulting Group , former head of worldwide financial services practice at consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton ; Michael Cannon , 40 , vice-president , personal systems storage devices , Adstar , former senior vice-president , worldwide operations at Syquest Technology Inc ; John Osborne , 39 , sales director , Personal Software Products , former vice-president of sales and marketing at Zenith Data Systems Inc ; Jon Cornell , 53 , assistant general manager , original equipment manufacturers sales and marketing , IBM Technology Products , former president , Harris Corp ; John Singleton , 56 , general manager , business development , Integrated Systems Solution Corp , former chief executive , Security Pacific Automation Co ; and Clare Thain , 43 , advertising and promotion director , IBM US , who was formerly the managing partner at Ronald James Direct .
29 Rowland Compliance Testing [ which was formerly known as Power Certification Limited ] has established a substantial portfolio of quality blue-chip customers throughout the country , and is poised for substantial growth .
30 The company , which has just concluded preliminary talks with 13 potential predators and is poised for big cuts in staffing costs , pledged to try to recover all the money lost through the ISC affair .
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