Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] the [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The petitioners remark that ‘ the Royal Veterinary College of London is the private property of the subscribers thereto who may continue or close the same at their discretion ; that it is only from their desire to advance the veterinary art that they have allowed their institution to be employed as a College of instruction ; and that thereby the veterinary profession in this country owes even its existence to their establishment ’ .
2 You 're only here once so you 've got to try and make the most of it and enjoy life to the full . ’
3 The philosopher 's task must always be to seek out and make the most of those regions in which the connection is least tenuous .
4 What 's the point in our bickering , when we could simply relax and make the most of the situation ? ’
5 ‘ Then let us continue and make the most of it .
6 This enthusiastic group of 16 men and women share an affection for the Museum and its objects and their informative tours have helped many visitors to understand and make the most of the collections .
7 And Alan Shearer , who has shown his versatility as a striker by scoring several of his 16 goals for Blackburn from distance , ought to try and do the same for England .
8 I wish someone would come and do the same in our house sometime !
9 The Association of British Insurers says both versions cost the same to repair and look the same to potential thieves : ‘ With no difference in badging , you do n't know what you 've got until you open the bonnet . ’
10 I said if yo if you think you know that you might be able to build a relationship I said then er you know , tell her so I said and do n't try and run the both of them at the same time I said
11 That failing , there can be a conveyance between the husband and wife , to which the first mortgagee is a party , to release the husband from liability under the first mortgage and take a covenant to observe and perform the same from the wife who will also covenant with the husband to indemnify him in respect of the second mortgage .
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