Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At any rate , it would be an exaggeration to speak of a collapse of militancy , or to infer that over the long term workers ' resistance can not be maintained .
2 Sheets are usually 300mm ( 12in ) square , and are often sold in packs of five or 10 ; the best way of estimating quantities is to work out the area to be covered , and to divide that by the coverage figure given on the pack , which will tell you how many packs to buy .
3 Accommodation should therefore be available both to assist them in the personal adjustments they will have to make and to ensure that at the outset they are suitably accommodated .
4 Our continuing priority in the 1900s will be to help unemployed people , and particularly the most disadvantage , to find work , and to ensure that in the meantime we pay them benefits accurately and on time .
5 Our continuing priority in the 1990s will be to help unemployed people , and particularly the most disadvantaged , to find work , and to ensure that in the meantime we pay them benefits accurately and on time .
6 Sybil gave a knowing smile as if to imply that in the interests of justice she was prepared to face up to this bizarre , extremely unpleasant but undeniable phenomenon .
7 It probably has also escaped his notice that some of the BBC 's most cowardly-looking decisions — to drop the controversial film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to withdraw the Panorama programme on the economy and to decree that during the election campaign opinion polls should not lead the news bulletins — constitute genuflections to the Tories .
8 And to think that in the West they merely call it the Wall .
9 The worst option , leaked in a rather conspiratorial manner prior to publication , and which would have left Wales with two short stubs of main line , was immediately rejected by the Government , as if to say that to the public that now there was nothing more to worry about .
10 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
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