Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If a person wishes to give up his physical integrity in certain circumstances , or to risk it for the sake of sport or excitement , should the criminal law allow the consent to negative what would otherwise be a crime ?
2 Thus to assert " Some living creatures are men " , or to phrase it in a " canonical " form , " For some x , x is both a living creature and a man " , is equivalent to the denial that the inference from the proposition of the form " x is a living creature " to the proposition of the form " x is not a man " is valid .
3 This includes activities undertaken by individuals to prevent disease or to detect it in an asymptomatic state .
4 Men of genius — Dante , Leonardo , Milton , Blake , Turner , Wagner , for example — have attempted to punch holes in the box or to replace it by a stack of boxes .
5 It is difficult to speak of popular religion or to define it in a satisfactory way , because it included an amalgam of magic and superstition , belief and doubt , the pagan and the Christian .
6 But you chose to switch on the news that day , or to hear it from a friend ; and you chose to have certain thoughts in response to that news .
7 Either they dispute the sceptic 's right to assert the conclusion , or to assert it as a conclusion ; or they suggest directly that the conclusion can not be true , and that hence they are excused from considering any suggested reason for believing it .
8 In any event the presumption is rebuttable and will be fairly easily rebutted where a developer needs to retain ownership of the road in order to build it or to dedicate it as a public highway .
9 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
10 Advance comprises five distinct components and a firm has the option either to mix and match certain elements or to use it as a complete package , thereby effectively outsourcing all of its software functions .
11 In the face of the fundamentalists ' electoral success , the FLN political bureau on June 17 issued a statement rejecting " all attempts to return Islam to the era of charlatanism and myths or to use it as an instrument of demagogy and political opportunism " .
12 So even if ministerial loyalties make it hard to admit it , he probably shares the apprehension which haunts many others as they contemplate this Bill : that though , at the end of the day , quantity will increase , quality will diminish ; or to put it in a form of words which trips easily off Conservative lips on other occasions — that More is going to mean Worse .
13 As long as people find the Christian story good there is reason to believe in it , or to believe it with the exception of some of the more minor matters such as virgin birth or the creation stories which they have had to decide are untrue ( or only symbolically true ) .
14 Ms. Quant confided to delegates that she often jollied Plunkett ( her husband , entrepreneur Alexander Plunkett-Green ) into helping her dye her pubic hair some fantasy shade , or to trim it to a neat heart shape .
15 Plant in late spring , and clip in mid-spring if required to be grown formally as edging , or to keep it within the space available .
16 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
17 For example , a disabled plaintiff may require a motor car equipped with special devices to enable him to get in and out of it or to control it on the road .
18 ‘ If you are still not satisfied after that you can threaten to issue a court summons or to take it to the ombudsman . ’
19 Some may choose to neglect their health or to trade it for the freedom to do other things , as does the business executive who opts for a stressful way of life in pursuit of material success .
20 Throughout the war , there were constant efforts to limit the devastation it was causing or to bring it to a halt altogether .
21 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
22 In other words , the aim is to neutralize a troublesome feeling rather than to replace it with a positive feeling .
23 It 's faster to read data from the cache than to load it from the hard disk .
24 I mean given that you 've got a , oh I do n't know , a pound you 're going to spend a week in gambling entertainment , if I could put it that way , you 'd do better to go in for the pools , because if you did have a win you might have a big one , than to put it on a horse — am I right ?
25 It was obvious that to base it on a villa one would need to have full access to the whole site and many more seasons — I imagined at least 15 .
26 He has grasped that it is more profitable to attack the Government for incompetence and negligence than to present it as a systematic and all-too-competent conspiracy against the people .
27 One such article , written by the General Secretary , was ordered to be printed and the editor had no option other than to deliver it to the printers .
28 Freud 's psychology belongs to the kind which seeks to understand human behaviour rather than to explain it on a scientific basis ; that is , it is verstehende psychology rather than erklärende psychology .
29 To take a trivial example , it is a cost rather than a benefit for me to pay my children to clean my car rather than to take it to the automatic car wash , even if the car wash charges more than my children .
30 The subjective conviction of heightened awareness is so treacherous that to exempt it from the critical tests of reason is to put oneself at the mercy of chance .
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