Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
2 ‘ The consequence of the combined decision not to recruit expert staff or to invest in extensive training could be considerable .
3 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
4 Well you see as part of the appraisal thing , if you get w w when we 've done it so far we 've got people to actually , and I did myself , one of the stages after the preliminary meeting is to complete a self assessment , or to go through some self assess assessments , self appraisal .
5 By meteorological means we 're now able to identify where such a storm will occur with greater efficiency and to take steps for keeping that area clear of people — or to arrange for controlled evacuation .
6 There seemed to be no consideration given as to how a management strategy would serve the processes desired , little attempt to anticipate possible outcomes or to arrange for specific progress points when reviews could be undertaken , nor to establish criteria against which a programme 's effectiveness would ultimately be evaluated .
7 A local authority may be asked to provide a report from one of its own officers or to arrange for another person to provide a report as appropriate .
8 An increase from fifty to a hundred members would allow greater flexibility for our regional committees in the regions to decide whether they allow the branch to continue or to amalgamate with another branch .
9 Again she was giving him the opportunity to ask her to lengthen the period — or to indicate in some way that he had no wish for her to leave .
10 Another great spiritual advantage was that the people 's occupation allowed them the opportunity to read good books or to engage in godly conversation whilst they were working away at their looms .
11 The concept of professional autonomy could be seen as militating against recognition of the need to manage motivation or to engage in systematic development .
12 Many books invite us to explore a subject ( insects , knights in armour , acid rain ) or to engage in some activity like playing hockey or using a computer .
13 Another method is to give the baby a small amount of boiled water from a bottle before the morning feed , so that it feels full more quickly , or to feed from one breast only — this will tend to reduce your supply of milk overall , so you should only do this if you know your milk is plentiful .
14 The new awards , like the current series of general SVQs , will be broadly-based , designed to enable candidates to enter a range of occupations , or to progress to higher education .
15 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
16 The ESRC Data Archive holds regular data user seminars to facilitate the sharing of solutions to common problems encountered in analysing particular datasets or to focus on particular research applications .
17 Furthermore , they were less likely to have applied to be taken on by the firm 's main competitor , which took over its order book , or to look for another job before leaving the firm .
18 But this we can choose : either to break faith with millions of decent , proud , hardworking citizens , or to look with more realism on the others : the tramps , the ne'er-do-wells , the offenders , the improvident — ‘
19 The skills described have widespread application — they could be used to improve communication at home , to raise money for a charitable cause or to negotiate with another company over a takeover bid , for example .
20 Indeed , it is difficult to justify many of the cases where tapping is strongly suspected on the ground that it was necessary for the detection of really serious crime or to deal with major subversion , even allowing for the very wide definition of subversion announced by Lord Harris of Greenwich in 1975 when he said that
21 These are words to avoid having to use , or to use with great caution .
22 She lay stiffly on the bed , unable to make up her mind whether to scream in disappointed rage or to burst into hysterical laughter .
23 The judgment given will say where the rights and wrongs lie and the court may award damages to one party or even order a party to take certain positive steps or to refrain from certain action .
24 More recently , banks have extended opening hours in certain branches , to either 5pm or to coincide with late night shopping .
25 It is difficult to sum up the succession of kings and sub kings who schemed and killed their way to brief spells of power — eight of them in one century — or to keep in steady perspective the shifting boundaries and aspirations of petty earldoms and self-proclaimed kingdoms .
26 The real attraction of the pension was its insurance value and the option it gave to retire completely or to turn to full-time farming on retirement .
27 The ones who leave to go to college or to live in some kind of hostel attached to a place of work , will eventually be embraced into an active social life by their peers .
28 There is a desperate need for rigorous house surveys , and householders ought to be encouraged to do much of this work themselves , or to call in professional help .
29 In this initial phase of allied bombing , it was less the material damage than the psychological shock of the helplessness of the Luftwaffe either to prevent the attacks or to retaliate in due measure which was harmful to morale .
30 Whilst other nations wrestle with the complex problems of a modern democracy , the questions of press ownership , the funding of political parties , wire-tapping , privacy , freedom of information , the control of the security services , and so on , Britain has been content either to stand aside altogether or to legislate for continuing trust and deference .
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