Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Intel also filed a motion asking Judge William Ingram to reconsider or to certify his April 15 ruling demanding a retrial of the case over the microcode in the 80287 maths co-processor , which Intel says Advanced Micro was not entitled to use .
2 Their aim of course was not to improve the standing of unmarried mothers or to make their children happier , just to increase their numbers .
3 They were not required to wear normal police uniform , or to cut their hair short , both of which were considered demeaning .
4 He had never been encouraged to think about the way he looked , other than to keep his body fit for the Vibrancy .
5 Banks wishing to lend less would use lower rates to broaden the spread between their lending rates and the rates they pay depositors , rather than to make their loans cheaper .
6 Sometimes , travelling back from work in the moonlight , I would allow myself to fall silent and to wonder what scenes this moon was shining on in the Western Desert , where I had learned that Leslie now was ; and whether he was in present danger .
7 Increasingly these came to employ London banking houses as agents to honour their bills drawn on London and to cash their notes payable in the City , either investing the realised funds or remitting cash into the country .
8 In such epidemics we tried to get people to boil their water and to eat their food hot from the rice and curry pots , but it was rare for cholera victims to recover .
9 To reach last years numbers we need another — 160 MEMBERS — and to maintain our 10% annual increase we need another 480 MEMBERS IN TOTAL .
10 ‘ We do agree in Vestry held at the Bull Inn in Potton the 13th day of October 1812 that Roger Johnson , breeches maker of Potton , Beds. aforesaid shall farm the workhouse after the rate of 4s.6d per head old and young , to have their earnings and to employ them in any way to his advantage , to provide a sufficient quantity of good wholesome food and to have their meals hot three days in the week ( commonly called pott days ) … ’
11 The drivers , flushed and cursing , each trying to be the first into the city and to have their wares ready for sale before the city came to life .
12 The Secretary of State and I have urged the brewers concerned to keep the number of notices sent out to an absolute minimum , and to make their purpose clear to tenants .
13 Here , he feels that composers have a responsibility , to forget Art ( with a capital A ) , and to make their work relevant .
14 Failing this , the Agriculture Departments in the UK should instigate such procedures themselves , calling on NCC to assess all plans and to make their adoption dependent on the fulfilment of nature conservation as well as agricultural objectives as suggested under Article 3 of the proposed Regulation .
15 Last autumn , lord president of the Court of Session , suddenly announced he was forming a working party under to examine how to improve the handling of commercial cases and to make their hearing speedier and more convenient to litigants .
16 For years we urged rulers there to let their people go and to make their people free .
17 The occasion was one which he seemed to wish to enjoy , and to make his enjoyment evident .
18 Massage cream into feet to prevent hard skin and to make your feet softer and smoother .
19 But to see what limitations this brings , we absolutely need to have a more lively sense of its differences from at least the groups which neighbour it .
20 And wherever there was a suggestion of a space there would be a craftsman bent over his work : a weaver over his loom , a metal-worker crouched over a dish of grey ash fanning a lump of live charcoal in its midst with a blowpipe , a basket-worker holding what he was making with his toes so as to leave his hands free , a turner doing his turning with a little bow which might have been used to shoot arrows , the man making pegs for the ornate wooden windows .
21 These heights are covered by a capping of quartzite , white in colour and virginal in purity , but splintered and fragmented to such an extent as to make their ascent arduous .
22 Nor can they reason in such a way as to make their contribution relevant to the volatile , hurried and stressful conditions of commercial and industrial life .
23 Clause 1(2) ( b ) defines a mutiny as where two or more prisoners ’ collectively resist , impede or disobey any exercise of lawful authority in the prison in such circumstances as to make their conduct subversive of order in the prison . ’
24 Trade unions fell into the second of these groups , but , because of their large and fluctuating membership and because of certain provisions in the Trade Union Act 1871 , it was assumed that it was impracticable to bring actions against them so as to make their funds liable .
25 Will teachers have sufficient respect for them as to make their judgements acceptable ?
26 ‘ His memory seemed to me to be so defective and selective as to make his evidence worthless . ’
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