Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] at the end " in BNC.

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1 It would even be possible for people to watch a political or parliamentary debate at home on television , and then register their vote or opinion at the end of it by pressing a button or making a free phone-call .
2 Before Morris introduced this type of maze , it had become common practice to study spatial learning in a more conventional version of the same task , in which rats are placed in various forms of radial mazes with four , six or eight arms , and must learn to run to a goal box containing food or water at the end of one of the arms .
3 For the Kaszubes released from the land anchor of serfdom or property at the end of the nineteenth century , the natural focus of population drift was neither Berlin nor Warsaw , but Danzig .
4 So it was a case there , and course at the end of the day you rolled the little roll up , put elastic round and stood them up in a file and they stood there like little soldiers and you could always go back to the actual time , sometimes you found a man had n't re erm signed on , he 'd just gone and joined his bus up in town centre , well you , that was er subject of another letter .
5 Broad range of languages and flexible range of course types on offer and the rigour associated with their implementation , such as continuous monitoring and assessment at the end of each course .
6 Like BROWNIES they are happy with am offering of bread and milk at the end of the day .
7 and dark at the end of the
8 By a week before Christmas , I was beginning to see my way across the spare bedroom at home , or the stockroom as my other half styles it , and light at the end of the tunnel .
9 And then Simo 's got the equaliser , and I think Simo 's got two in two goals two goals in two games now , yes , very pleased with the overall performance and overall at the end of the day , not overall performance if you know what I mean .
10 The subjective estimate could be based on pure hunch and guesswork at the end of period t - 1 , but in order to introduce a degree of empirical testability into the model it is normally assumed that is arrived at by some policy rule which includes on the right-hand side only those variables whose magnitudes are known at the end of the period t - 1 .
11 Would I be tough and wise-cracking at the end , or would they have to drag me screaming through the last door like a jelly-livered rat ?
12 By the time we conclude our comparison of fabliau and exemplum at the end of this book we shall face a very similar formulation of the difference between the two as lying in the fabliau 's divergence from the normal modes of exemplum , which may in itself be funny , rather than in an all-preceding intention to be funny .
13 Storms and flooding at the end of August were reported to have killed more than 150 people and made thousands homeless in southern Bangladesh .
14 But the teacher can not sit in splendid and comfortable isolation in staff room or on classroom dais while his pupils are busily engrossed in resource-based exercises ; he is involved at every point in the process , from the preliminary planning and assembly of available materials , the creation of additional resources and linking items , the initial presentation and motivation sessions , the follow-up work as the pupils proceed , and the eventual summing up and validation at the end .
15 Six months assured shortholds will be the dominant face of new letting — with eviction and homelessness at the end .
16 The current exercise has been no exception and the task has not been made any easier by the current level of economic uncertainty and its implications for the future size and structure of employment and unemployment at the end of the plan period .
17 I have one other , can I reserve one matter to the end of the meeting because I wish to make a proposal which er would be erm I think ought to be taken erm in closed session because of the nature and confidentiality of the business and personal interests , so perhaps I can propose the closure of the meeting to the press and public at the end of the meeting and defer the final item an item relating to this matter at that time .
18 The third stage of the project was to involve reporting and discussion at the end of the observation period , although it was acknowledged that incidental feedback in the context of dialogue with teachers , students and outsiders was inevitable , and that smaller , interim reports to the SLG , as steering group , would be necessary .
19 His initial unease is indicated in his hesitant reference to being on the way to an engagement ( p. 65 ) , and his fear and powerlessness at the end of the scene reflects itself in his abandonment of his turn as he " decides abruptly to leave " ( p. 73 ) .
20 WE were spat on , sworn at and manhandled , but victory at the end of the day was ours .
21 Sir Michael Clapham himself retired as Chairman at the end of 1977 having served on the Council from its beginning in 1964 ( and he was at this point the only remaining member from the original Council ) , and been its Chairman for seven years .
22 The two strategies involve identical outcomes , namely the exchange of dollars for sterling at the end of the year .
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