Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think that 's true of the women , but of course an awful lot of our young men erm come from all boys ' schools and quite a lot of our young women from all girls ' schools , so this is the first time , when they get to Oxford , that they are interacting with each other , on a day-to-day basis I should say , and I think that in itself will they are not sure how to act towards each other and there 's going to be confusions .
2 no matter what you 've heard about John , I know he 's a man of his word he 's an honest man and he wo n't say that he did n't say that to me will you John .
3 As Enoch Powell observed ( in The Sunday Telegraph Magazine in November 1976 ) : ‘ In the last resort , no less today than since the dawn of history , the test of nationality is war : on whose side will you fight , and for whom will you , if need be , die ? ’
4 But who is to provide this training and of what should it consist ?
5 Notwithstanding , my lords , I here deliver my son — and his brother 's life with him — into your hands , and of you shall I require them before God and man .
6 And with what shall we light it , dear Liza ? ’
7 This is when agape love takes over and with our will we continue to show forth acts of love , doing what is best for our partner whether they deserve or respond to it or not .
8 My stepfather died at the end of November 1991 and under his will my mother was left the life interest in the income arising from the sum of £60,000 with the remainder to my stepbrother .
9 It 's just that if in you need you want it explained to you in a way you understand do n't you rather than
10 Sir William Hamilton paid the bills ( as the creditors knew he would ) , and in his will he left her £300 and an annuity of £800 , which should have enabled her to live comfortably though not perhaps ostentatiously .
11 However , beyond the question of the character , quality and impact of such particular ideas are two more fundamental questions about LEA policy in general : how should it be arrived at , and on what should it focus ?
12 Whom would he blame , and to whom would he turn for protection and comfort ?
13 And to whom will you liken God ,
14 and to whom will you liken God ?
15 And to whom will you liken him ,
16 What policy advice will the Home Secretary need on prison matters , for example the use of police cells and contracting with the private sector , which are distinct from the operations of the Prison Service , and by whom should it be given ?
17 but to whom would you normally address that concern in the normal course of your business ?
18 But for what would she pray ?
19 His death-warrant bore 58 signatures , headed by that of John Bradshaw who , born in Marple in 1602 , may have attended the School in his youth ; however , if he did , it seems to have made but little impression on him , for in his will he made bequests to increase the Masters ' salaries at his other schools , Bunbury and Middleton , and to found a new school in Marple , without mentioning Stockport .
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