Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] time i " in BNC.

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1 While in hospital I had mentioned to my surgeon that I intended to go to the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , although at that time I had not actually made up my mind .
2 But above all , I needed something that at that time I was quite unable to put into words .
3 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
4 The reason I am interested is that at that time I was off work for six months and I suspected I had the illness .
5 I hoped that by knocking-off time I 'd be able to say that I knew someone who had finished it .
6 They waved once and I waved back , and for some time I could see their bright jackets in the dappled shade of the afternoon sun .
7 And for next time I 'll get some erm a special set of tables for him a lot easier to learn so that he can learn his tables and he 'll only have to learn about half of them and then he 'll know all of them .
8 Dana did not reappear for a few days , and during that time I felt I was going mad .
9 I was with Jack for nearly two years and during that time I first met Greg Norman .
10 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
11 I had a studio there for two months and during that time I got all the ideas together for the record .
12 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
13 And during this time I am on the monitor studying the whole thing so that we can make our plans and adjustments for our filming with the real orchestra .
14 I have been breeding Neons for around twenty years , and during this time I have evolved a set procedure which enables me to successfully raise the fish in sufficient numbers .
15 I live on the reserve from March until early December and during this time I only go over to the mainland about once a month .
16 And during this time I learned something very important-if you want to be happy , you must be free .
17 And during this time I belonged to Toc H.
18 If after this time I wish to cancel , I will do so by giving one month 's notice in writing .
19 And from this time I knew I had to give up so many things — my sailing and so on — but the music came back to me a hundred times better .
20 I know what that man owes to Harry , and what to me , and I have kept the account , and in good time I shall take what is due .
21 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
22 And in that time I really only ever had one proper job and that was for two weeks .
23 I lasted eighteen months before packing it in , and in that time I saw a lot of disappointed people .
24 We 've spent twenty-four hours together and in that time I 've been bitten by bugs in a hooker 's bed , tied up a guy with no legs and stolen his wheelchair , stayed cooped up in a train for twelve hours with an attractive man and behaved like a virgin .
25 And in that time I became very close to the bunch of desperadoes I 'd first flown out with .
26 We flew for an hour and in that time I completed a reel of film in my camera .
27 I was with him constantly for a whole year and in that time I never saw him with anyone , man or woman .
28 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
29 When I retired four years ago , I decided I would like to help and encourage other people to paint , and hopefully get as much pleasure form the hobby as I do , and since that time I have been able to meet up with groups of friends and pass on to them the knowledge I have gained through the pages of your magazine .
30 A woman present asked if Elizabeth were my sister , and at one time I wished she had been — but better not , for she would have lost an adored and incalculable mother and gained a dreadfully unhappy home ; and it would be a pity if we had shared the same literary material .
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