Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Merry & Co have a special horsemaster looking after them .
2 Usually silent away from breeding grounds , where male has a loud harsh bark and a deep hoot , and female a higher-pitched bark .
3 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
4 A Tantric painting or drawing has a spiritual purpose , to assist the user in meditation .
5 Because of the difficulties of getting it all together , the chairperson or co-ordinator has a key part to play ( see Chairing meetings on page 28 ) .
6 If a company or group has a potential surplus ACT problem , it may therefore consider acquiring a stream of FII ( by purchasing shares in UK companies ) or by acquiring a company with surplus FII ( see below ) .
7 Where the parent company or group has a significant holding ( 10% or more shares of an undertaking or more than 10% of the investing company 's assets ) in an undertaking ( which is not a subsidiary undertaking , joint venture or associated undertaking ) the following must be stated :
8 The affidavit is not specifically required to deal with future loss but it is advisable to indicate what items are continuing so that the master or registrar has a global view of the case .
9 But the Buddhists also point out that , unless a man or woman has a special gift or potential , these techniques will not work infallibly .
10 Intergenerational mobility : that is , the son or daughter has a different social position ( higher or lower ) than that of the parents ( for example , a miner 's daughter might train to become a teacher ) .
11 The first great collection or book to have a widespread circulation was the Decretum , which has long gone under the name of Gratian , and which was made in Bologna in the early 1140s .
12 However , if a landlord or landlady has a resident student , is there any guarantee that the student will not be asked to contribute towards the council tax ?
13 A train whistle or siren has a higher pitch as the train approaches than when it recedes .
14 Where deviance has a categorical , unproblematic quality , a penal response is triggered .
15 Some have argued that change has a cumulative effect .
16 In Committee , the Minister invariably points out that Parliament has a simple way of dealing with orders and that we should stick to it .
17 What sets up the causal link in this case is the fact that honey has a distinctive taste , which Pooh will recognise .
18 Figure 1 shows that distribution of authorship number was similar for Nature and Cell , although Cell had a higher proportion of studies with three to five authors .
19 The idea of a genetic switch that is geometric rather than chemical has a certain appeal .
20 Although AMP has a significant stake , other British insurance companies own over 20 per cent of Pearl 's shares .
21 Unfortunately , the very fact that poetry has a central role in Soviet life means that much of it is conservative in form and predictable in content .
22 Although it is often claimed that exercise has a beneficial psychological effect in its own right , the evidence for this is scanty and it is always difficult to separate the specific effect of exercise from the moral support and social contact which usually goes with it .
23 Of non-flowering plants , it has been argued that ferns have a lower associated insect fauna , though it has long been known that bracken has a large number of associated arthropods .
24 ‘ Still , as a means of attracting my attention that scene had a certain novelty . ’
25 Indeed the psychiatrist who first popularised the notion that hypnosis has a special relationship with truth , no less a figure than Sigmund Freud , later issued a retraction .
26 In its review of sexual offences the Criminal Law Revision Committee argued in favour of preserving the existing classification , on the basis that rape has a settled popular meaning and that the distinguishing feature of ‘ conventional ’ rape is the risk of pregnancy .
27 The FASB plans , however , to retain the current practice of using the amortised cost method for debt securities that management has a positive intent to hold to maturity .
28 He seems thrilled to stumble across the notion that war has a technological impetus of its own ; others will recognise in it the familiar railway-timetable explanation of why the first world war proved so unstoppably disastrous .
29 But it can be argued that marketing has a significant role within any social work agency .
30 We have seen that retirement has a differential impact on older people which depends primarily on their prior socio-economic status and the access which this grants to resources which might be carried into retirement .
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