Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] few week " in BNC.

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1 The biggest weapons , except for a few weeks in May when the federal army intervened , were mere light automatic weapons — AK-47s from Russia , Uzis from Israel , M-16s from the USA .
2 Part of him wants to get back to the security of home but he knows that after a few weeks there he might long for the contacts , communication and craziness of the multi-media scheme .
3 Preston shook his head , but it was true that within a few weeks of Mary Moxton 's death William 's mum had bought her first shop .
4 A government clearly that is split both politically and is totally incompetent the government 's majority is now down to eighteen and all the predictions are that within a few weeks it will be down to seventeen .
5 She smiled down at him and realized that in the few weeks he 'd been with her he had not only put on weight but had grown a few inches in height too .
6 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
7 And for a few weeks I was happy .
8 Her cancer , which had not even been mentioned during the hypnosis session , rapidly regressed and after a few weeks even all radiological evidence of it had disappeared .
9 As predicted , the small lumps vanished , the gland remained — unchanged — and after a few weeks , I grew accustomed to the feel of it and forgot it until Dr Dingle rediscovered it during my 1988 medical .
10 As it turned out , I was a dreadful croupier and after a few weeks they put me on coats and hats .
11 Each visit guaranteed he would leave behind some of his property and after a few weeks we 'd accumulated his record player , eight boxes of books and his Rupert Bear hot-water bottle .
12 She had seen so many of the students set out from her door , awkward and anxious , and after a few weeks it was as if they had been studying there all their lives .
13 I had left the technical college in February 1980 and within a few weeks had landed an audio typist 's job with a trendy voluntary housing organization .
14 A treaty was signed outside Haddington , and within a few weeks Mary , Queen of Scots , was on her way from Dumbarton to Paris .
15 The majority of these early volunteers were ex-service men , some with experience of World War I and within a few weeks many of us teenagers barely sixteen jointed the unit .
16 Contact with the man Wagner now kindled an interest in Wagner the theorist and within a few weeks Nietzsche was writing again to Rohde to impress on his friend his high opinion of Wagner 's Opera and Drama , a treatise written nearly twenty years before , but apparently now providing Nietzsche 's first direct acquaintance with any of Wagner 's theoretical works .
17 The instructions therein were religiously followed and within a few weeks a recognisable fuselage could be sat in for some ‘ hangar flying ’ .
18 I love the fresh smell in the air when everything seems to be coming to life again and I felt a natural surge of joy , as if in a few weeks ' time John would be coming home from his first trip away just as he should have done the previous April .
19 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
20 He was a virtual stranger , and in a few weeks would be going back to Australia .
21 Then I made him a little tent to sleep in , but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me .
22 ‘ Often clients think it 's a good idea to come here but after a few weeks they think it 's not such a good idea .
23 But after a few weeks my girlfriend 's dad got a phone call from the old couple we 'd painted the house for , they wanted to get in the coal shed and could n't because I 'd painted over the lock .
24 Webbed feet were not designed for mountaineering , but after a few weeks the ducks had devised a method of hopping up the stairs one at a time , eating every morsel of bread along the way , until finally they were actually in my bedroom .
25 But after a few weeks , she said , ‘ You need to find a college , Carol .
26 But in a few weeks they were allowed to return because Mossad had threatened to stop giving MI6 any more information about Arab terrorism .
27 At first , her face burned and she was often defeated in her purpose but within a few weeks she was indistinguishable from the seasoned bargainers .
28 It was horrid leaving you two girls in Simla , but within a few weeks — at the end of that term — we were able to have you down with us in Poona , and you went to the Wantage Sisters ' school there , and Tim went too .
29 But within a few weeks of William 's appointment she had applied to three different London boroughs for a job — any job — in social work , taken the first one she 'd been offered , fixed up the flat , put the cottage on the market , found a school for Edwin , and fled from the last five years of her life with almost indecent haste .
30 He acquiesced in the attempt of Lady Jane Grey [ q.v. ] to seize the throne from Mary , and came under suspicion at the time of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyatt [ q.v. ] , but within a few weeks was back at his duties .
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