Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Contact your local bell-ringing group via the nearest reference library or bell tower , or through the weekly The Ringing World , ( editor , David Thorne , Penmark House , Woodbridge Meadows , Guildford GU1 1BL , 0483 69535 ) .
2 Looking back towards his study of Cornford and Harrison , he approves of Johnson 's view that for the modern the distinctions between tragedy and comedy were superficial .
3 An analysis by marital status and number of children showed that for the married the main difference was between those with no children , 17 per cent of whom had been in a residential home , and those with one or more , for whom the proportion was 5 per cent .
4 Within his four branches , Cuvier subdivided using multiple criteria and separating , for example , the marsupials from the other mammals , although from the outside the koala looks a bit like a bear , and the thylacine ( or Tasmanian wolf ) very like a dog or wolf .
5 It is well established that in the ultimate the right of the individual is paramount .
6 This means that in the long-run the level of real income will always be at the level associated with full employment , whatever the price level .
7 This is a double alienation and for the Christian a curious kind of worldliness of mind .
8 A new and successful innovation was the evolution of stemless crinoids — some of these acquired pelagic habits , and during the Cretaceous the genera Marsupites and Uintacrinus ( see p.79 ) were widespread enough to be useful marker fossils .
9 This government is not believing in integrated strategy , it never has done and it never will do and with the current the Government expansion plans it is becoming less and less likely .
10 In this respect if in no other the concept of the family as a more or less stable institution is becoming an impossible one .
11 In one half lived the miner Charles Decrucq and his family , and in the other a fellow evangelist of whom nothing is known , except that his surname was Frank .
12 He came in from the scullery with the coal bucket in one hand and in the other a fat metal cylinder .
13 To date the 1992/3 winter has not been particularly serious and in the main the daily rake of 158s and 153s has run well .
14 During our research we found an article written by a doctor ( Lloyd , 1986 ) who had been researching heart disease for ten years and in the particular the role of cold in Ischaemic Heart Disease ( IHD ) .
15 And out of the dark woods came the black man , leading his horse on one arm , and on the other a tall grey hound with the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature .
16 Built into the very heart of the new system is a tension between , on the one hand a central requirement ( which is also a local or individual entitlement ) , and on the other a fragmented delivery system supposedly made dynamic by competition for pupils , parental support , finance and staff .
17 The reporting of the crime is on the one hand an excuse for sexual titillation and on the other a misleading warning to women as to the circumstances in which they will be raped and how to avoid it .
18 Siege-engines demanded on the one hand skilled operators , and on the other a plentiful supply of unskilled labourers to move the necessary materials .
19 The answer seems to be twofolk , on the one hand a more radical approach to quarrying , and on the other a more careful integration of the chalk extraction process with the topography of the landscape .
20 The one on the left was half open , revealing a narrow kitchen , little more than a passage with a sink and draining board under a window at the far end , a cooker , refrigerator , a small table and a wooden chair on one side and on the other a laminated work-surface with cupboards and drawers below and a run of shelves above .
21 He was in an iron bed which resembled that on which he slept in ffeatherstonehaugh 's , but it had on one side a sad leatherette-and-wooden armchair and on the other a small white cabinet .
22 On one side of her there is a little boy with gangrenous burns , and on the other an old lady who is dying .
23 At the same time , there are a number of other much-debated and longstanding issues which would connect closely with the findings and interpretation of a larger programme of studies : the decentralization debate ; the tension between professional development and autonomy , on the one hand , and on the other the existence of accountability and resource-rationing mechanisms ; the nature of supervision and the role of the team-leader/manager .
24 On both occasions she had been struck by the contrast between on the one hand the beauty of the Bay itself , the islands , the fine buildings towards Posillipo and on the other the cramped and jumbled desperation of the mean and bustly streets immediately below her .
25 The most immediate is what to do about the coal industry in the face of weak demand , uneconomic pits and fundamental disagreements between , on the one hand , the miners ' union ( NUM ) together with much of the trade union movement , and on the other the National Coal Board ( NCB ) and the government .
26 In place of God-consciousness , for which he had little time , he wanted to put on the one hand the revelation made in Jesus and recoverable through the historical study of the New Testament , and on the other the moral and spiritual response to Jesus which issues in Christian living and acting .
27 These conditions of the possibility of Christian theology were on the one hand the actuality of the revelation in Jesus , and on the other the reception of that revelation in faith empowered by the Holy Spirit .
28 On the one hand the balance of tritium in the warhead pit , and on the other the weight of the carbon casing on the protective shield of the warhead .
29 Alliances fluctuated over the years but by 1914 the alignment was clear : on one side Germany and Austria-Hungary , the ‘ Central Powers ’ ; and on the other the ‘ Allies ’ , Great Britain , France and Russia .
30 The elements in modern society which have an elective affinity with ‘ psychologism ’ are industrialism and bureaucracy , which have created a gulf between , on the one hand , the world of work and public affairs , and on the other the private sphere of the family and sexual relationships .
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