Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [adj] there " in BNC.

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1 The monetarist view is that in the short-run there will be some increase in both P and Y , and that as Y rises , unemployment will fall .
2 Yet from the earliest times it has been suggested that in the insane there is indeed a hint of genius and , by the same token , that originality demands a degree of lunacy .
3 One of the main theses of the regulationist school is that in the 1970s/1980s there has been a decisive shift from Fordism ( named after the company in which its introduction is most famed ) to neo-Fordism .
4 At this time there was much comment in the horticultural press about the excessive attention lavished on summer bedding at the expense of the other seasons , and Fleming was the first gardener to become well known for ‘ spring gardening ’ , although by the 1870s there was a coterie which pressed the claims to priority of William Ingram of Belvoir Castle .
5 Moreover , the Secretary of State has predicted that by the 1990s there will be proportionately more of the total population in higher education , whether at university or polytechnic .
6 He was the first European to win a Masters title and the difference between him doing that and Tony Jacklin winning the US Open in 1970 is that by the Eighties there were other talents ready to be inspired by the Ballesteros achievement .
7 Of the three known strong cases for X-ray binaries containing black holes ( Cyg X-1 , LMC X-3 and A0620–00 ) , the first two show no QPO , and for the third there is no information available .
8 In the 19th century and into the 20th there were two Methodist chapels in the village and this was for those of the Primitive Methodist persuasion .
9 Certainly , many were recruited from higher education , and from the 1860s there was a gradual if uneven increase in the number drawn from the less privileged social backgrounds .
10 And within the Six there was an almost unanimous rejection of the British arguments that an institutional framework above that provided by the OEEC was not necessary , and that what the Six wanted to achieve could equally easily be reached by strengthening the OEEC .
11 And in the SenFed there were people and governments willing to pay fortunes for the promise of near-perfect security .
12 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
13 The only difference appears to be that in the one case there is consent and in the other there is not .
14 In the first row there are seven , in the second there are five , in the third there are three and in the fourth there is one .
15 And on the seventh there is our dying .
16 On the one hand there 's Little Liz , and on the other there 's Lovebite ; but just as I think I 've made a decision , the image of Lord Lane comes into my mind and I get all confused again .
17 On the one side was the pain and a great big black hole into which he wanted to sink — it was so restful down there — and on the other there were the surgeon , the nurses and his wife Marlene talking to him constantly , trying to get him to react , to fight back .
18 He blames the current problems on a lack of clear leadership , leading to a policy dilemma : ‘ On the one hand there was the desire to concentrate on the museum 's own collections , and on the other there was the attempt to become part of the dynamic international art scene ’ .
19 Very broadly , members fell into two groups of partnership : on the one hand there were ‘ jobbers ’ , who specialised in buying and selling shares , and on the other there were ‘ brokers ’ , who specialised in performing share deals on the behalf of the public .
20 And on the other there seems to be a view that , well , erm wherever necessary perhaps on a farm or elsewhere that development should be should be permitted .
21 Shadows have lengthened stealthily in the course of The Bellarosa Connection , gathering for what Martin Amis described in later Bellow as ‘ last things , leave-taking , and final lucidities ’ , and at the close there is a quietly affecting image of the narrator setting down his story , alone .
22 The number of boys continued to grow , and by the mid-30s there were 380 , in a building designed for 250 .
23 It is there in the Ninth but in the Ninth there is great beauty and a sense of harmony with death .
24 Recently , there has been a moving together again , but in the 1930s there developed at the University of Chicago a tradition of social research that is now known as the ‘ Chicago School ’ .
25 Specialism never entirely disappeared , but in the 1980s there was a quite definite return to specialisation , especially in mental health and child care .
26 A small river runs into th sea at one side , but on the other there is a large expanse of grassland which runs down from the walls almost to the sea .
27 But on the other there were the usual fears that the United States might overreact or give too high a priority to the Far East at the expense of Europe .
28 In the 1950s there was relative decentralization as population grew more rapidly in the rings than the cores , but by the 1960s there was absolute decentralization as a net loss of population was registered in the cores .
29 Within marriage the most important change experienced by women was the steady decline in the fertility rate until after World War II ( Table 2 ) , while in the 1870s there were over 295 legitimate live births per 1000 married women aged 15–44 , this figure had dropped to 222 by the first decade of the twentieth century and to only 111 by the 1930s .
30 From its familiar title it indicates something like a ‘ school ’ , centred on the ideas of one writer , and this is not unreasonable , since in the 1790s there were conscious ‘ Godwinians ’ and Godwin 's best known work , Political Justice , was widely and directly influential .
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