Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 These had to be answered , and answered well — or at least the first ten or so did — because the original questioner and other MPs were allowed to ask supplementary questions .
2 It 's his first er match or at least the first he 's started since the opening weeks of the season .
3 I set her the first day to clean the floors starting at the top and expecting her to reach the bottom at the end of the day or at least the last floor , but Ellen she had not managed more than two rooms in eight hours and those not well done .
4 By the end , or at least the last week , of the tour England ‘ B ’ were looking a much better all-round side than when they started .
5 In 1987 imports into Britain fell by 12 per cent , although with around a fifth of the market we remained easily the world 's biggest tea importers .
6 ‘ You allowed me to deflect your questions far too easily , ’ he answered , ‘ Is it any wonder that from almost the first moment I saw you … ’ he paused ‘ …
7 Even though chronic hepatitis C appears to be an indolent disease in most patients , the observation that at least a fifth develop cirrhosis and as many as a quarter progress to liver failure indicates that chronic hepatitis C is not a benign disease .
8 This would suggest that around 30 per cent of the " living-out " labouring classes were to some extent skilled , but if living-in servants of all classes are included the proportion would shrink to a quarter and if unskilled " manufacturers " are removed , we can conclude that at least a fifth of the men of the labouring classes of the eighteenth century were more or less skilled , that is had something other than " common " labour power to offer on the labour market .
9 The Five Civilised Nations Museum in Muskogee , Oklahoma , that normally shows and sells Indian art , closed down an exhibition in 1991 when it found that at least a third of its ‘ Indian ’ artists had no tribal documentation .
10 Clara calculated that at least a third of the objects laid on the table , by regulation , were not used during the course of any single meal , and yet their function was certainly not one of gracious adornment .
11 It appears that about two-thirds of well documented cases of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in the United Kingdom will prove infected , and that at least a sixth of patients with cryptosporidiosis will have AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis if subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
12 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
13 And after raising the board and finding six washleather bags of sovereigns she had really believed him , and for only the second time she could remember in her life , she had cried .
14 Suddenly , and for almost the first time in her life , apart from in her dreams , Marie felt that she was in a position of power .
15 As the ship 's bow was manoeuvred into the wind and with about a third of the anchor cable out , she ran aground at 7.30pm .
16 Latvians , 77 per cent of the population of their republic before the war , had fallen to 52 per cent in the 1989 census , and to about a third of the population of their capital city , Riga .
17 car park at 4.45pm and 7.45pm on 25 February and at 4.45pm the next day .
18 Basically , Mr Porceddu intends to jail every troublemaker in sight — a minimum of two days for offensive drunkenness , automatic detention until at least the first round is over for anything more serious .
19 Norman Lamont will stay until at least the next Budget in March to have the chance to take credit for next year 's expected economic recovery .
20 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
21 ABOVE : Lodgemore Mill has been in use since at least the 12th century and is still in use for cloth manufacture .
22 in Trafalgar Square , central London ; a church has stood on this site since at least the thirteenth century .
23 The little harbour of refuge has existed since at least the fourteenth century , and the house , first mentioned a century later , was a place of shelter for sailors caught by the sudden tempest so typical of the Fohn south wind in these parts , but in more recent times often called the ferry house .
24 Dolphins have been hunted in Japanese coastal waters since at least the seventeenth century , when drive fisheries were first reported .
25 She used to attend the general discussion part and make her views known as to where the next shop would be .
26 Irritating as Miss Kenton 's behaviour was , I could not afford to give it much thought , for by then the first of the guests had arrived .
27 Aries is always classed as the first constellation of the Zodiac , though by now the First Point of Aries ( the position where the ecliptic cuts the equator ) has shifted into the adjacent constellation of Pisces .
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