Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [unc] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Other practices that once held up the flow of the dance were the continual closing in 5th position before a new step and the continual moving of the arms through 1st position at every change of weight or during a ports de bras .
2 What I am most conscious of is that I have been regarded as a controversial figure : until the age of sixty I was seen either as a subversive or as an enfant terrible .
3 Activity-dependent synaptic potentiation occurs within milliseconds and can persist for many hours in the anaesthetised animal or in the in vitro hippocampal slice preparation , and for days when induced in the freely moving animal .
4 This seems ironic , but letters and later statements show how little faith Eliot had in his own literary output , however confident he might sound in verse , or in the ex cathedra pronouncements of ‘ Tradition and the Individual Talent ’ .
5 There , electoral law requires that a constituency candidate shall be chosen by secret ballot either in a meeting of party members specially convened for that purpose , or by an ad hoc committee itself elected by secret ballot ; and party officers must give the returning officer a solemn assurance that these procedures have been observed .
6 So you 'd say that as a b er as a result of that it did it did er so it did When you say it served its purpose , it did improve the image ?
7 Today the police said that after a post mortem examination , they 're still awaiting the results of more tests .
8 Labour 's concern should be with the initial distribution of wealth , rather than with a post hoc redistribution .
9 Petipa 's suggestion that beats can add brilliance to the dance is nowhere better exemplified than in the brisés voiés and temps depoisson of the Bluebird 's solo in The Sleeping Beauty and other male solos from ballets by Bournonville .
10 My note indicates that what Mr Curtis said was that on a pro rata to their existing
11 They also admit that without the Grand Prix , it would be ‘ relegated to the ranks of secondary , unfunded circuits ’ .
12 The audit needs to be carried out on a periodic rather than on an ad hoc basis , and , like any other rational evaluation , needs to be conducted in a systematic way .
13 So we recite that at the er er assembly .
14 The effects of the wartime blockade led the government under Lloyd George to take steps to stimulate home food production by offering price guarantees to farmers ; and as a quid pro quo to the unions the government also promised to establish a statutory minimum wage , to be negotiated by central and district wages boards .
15 Kant 's distinctions between analytic and synthetic judgements and between the a priori and a posteriori are obviously important to the philosophy of knowledge , but their influence on the structure of the curriculum is not obvious , except perhaps in reinforcing the general sense that mathematics is somehow unlike all other subjects .
16 However , if an application is made to the court for an order requiring the trustee to summon a meeting to consider a resolution for his removal as trustee , the court may , if it thinks no sufficient cause has been shown for the application , dismiss it but not until after an ex parte hearing of the applicant ( r 6.132(2) ) .
17 It 's down , down to those two cos of the Grand Prix on .
18 But while his writing on mass culture might be used to place on the historical agenda of television theory the idea of difference and of the avant garde , the particular forms which that idea might take for television at the end of the twentieth century can not be predicted from his work .
19 He was a member of the Institutions of Civil and Mechanical Engineers and of the Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France .
20 Cancer mortality was not higher in patients receiving atenolol than in controls ( table II ) , nor was it higher in the atenolol group than in the other β blocker group , adjusted for age , sex , smoking status , and time period ( relative hazard ratio 0.71 ; 95% confidence interval 0.45 to 1.11 ) and with the non β blocker group ( 0.88 ; 0.61 to 1.28 ) .
21 ( 2 ) Starting on July 1 , 1990 , the contracting parties shall constitute a monetary union comprising a unified currency area and with the Deutsche Mark as the common currency .
22 The link with sovereignty and with the ultra vires doctrine is provided by implication : parliament only intended that such discretion should be exercised on relevant and not irrelevant considerations , or to achieve proper and not improper purposes .
23 However , perhaps there is a particular reason ( over and above the a priori possibility of alternative theoretical models ) for denying the relevance of AI ideas to animal psychology ?
24 But in fact it rested on more pragmatic considerations of Anglo-French trade common to both Mrs Thatcher and President Mitterrand , along with the need to boost employment in south-east England and along the Pas de Calais .
25 THE MIRACLES surrounding the funeral procession of Hugh of Lincoln are taken from the Flores Historiarum , a thirteenth and fourteenth-century text originally credited to Matthew of Westminster ( it was actually written by the monks of St. Albans and Westminster ) , and from the Nova Legenda Angliae by John Capgrave ( 1393–1464 ) .
26 This rediscovery has come through historical exhibitions held recently at New York 's DIA Center for the Arts ( 1988–89 ) , Claude Berri 's RENN Espace d'Art Contemporain in Paris ( 1991–92 ) and at the Hallen für Neue Kunst , Schaffhausen , where Ryman 's art has been prominently featured for several years and a fresh installation opens shortly ( 2 May-31 October ) .
27 The presence of the first two initiating NTPs could stabilize , at least to a partial extent , open complexes formed at the φ29 A2b and A3 promoters ( this work ) and at the φ29 C1 promoter ( 39 ) .
28 On that point , I would say that there are a number of considerations which arise as the result of that site being within the conservation area that militate against development in themselves , and this is in general well recognized on your side , and by the er er by the City Council .
29 Er and then finally on Mr Thomas , er Mr Thomas erm , a number of occasions has er has referred to these sites in and around the er er urban area , if Mr Thomas would like us to show us a list of those sites , er we will look at them , we 've been through it on a number of occasions , square inch almost by square inch , but I 'd be very interested for Mr Thomas 's list of sites in and around the urban area .
30 The tragedy is that , whatever the direction that market forces blow , when they are left to their own devices , the choice for workers in such industries is not between the status quo and redeployment , but between the status quo and loss of their jobs .
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