Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 That this House believes that the death penalty for murder no longer accords with the needs or the true interests of a civilised society , and calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to introduce forthwith legislation for its abolition or for its suspension for an experimental period .
2 I can not agree with the hon. Gentleman 's choice of best cricketer in the world , because I am a Glamorgan supporter , or with his preference for league rather than union rugby , because I am a Welshman by background .
3 But perhaps also we tend even more to suppress recognition of sexual elements in the child 's feeling for us — or in our feeling for the child .
4 I regret that during my research for this debate I found that , in the field of computers , one of the least well-equipped police forces is that in my own area , Greater Manchester .
5 Nell Anderson knew she was seconds from death , and that despite her desire for it , the moment it was on her was terrifying in its violence .
6 The purpose of both versions of Rolle 's Meditations on the Passion is the same : to stimulate that penance and love which can bridge the gap between man and God — a gap that Julian was to express in her realisation that in her longing for God " nothyng letted me but synne , and so I beheld generally in us al " .
7 He said that in her disdain for the laws of our land she had humiliated the honour of her family name ; there was no other course possible for her family to take .
8 If he means by knowledge an accumulation of inconsequential facts then of course she would agree with him , but one suspects that in his concern for ‘ things of the heart ’ he is turning his back on the curiosity men share to know the world of objects .
9 They did not confine themselves to church attendance nor to their concern for church buildings , but endeavoured to follow Christian principles in their everyday lives .
10 If a defendant wishes payment under the counterclaim to be made other than at his address for service or to his solicitor he must give an address for payment " with appropriate reference details " .
11 Sun has the backing of ICL Plc and Fujitsu Ltd as well as Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp for Wabi and for its proposal for a Public Windows Interface specification that would bring the Windows applications program interface into the public domain and make it harder for Microsoft to alter it to trip up the competition .
12 Pauline began the Meeting by thanking everyone for attending the important meeting before lunch and for their concern for our future .
13 The parishes were more or less equal in area , around 4000 acres ; their layout says a great deal for the Saxon ability to recognise and exploit soil features and for their respect for mutual rights of neighbouring communities .
14 For Tony , that he may rest in peace , and for his family for their strengthening and peace .
15 And despite its reputation for being wrapped in red tape , figures from the Scottish Council Development & Industry show that France is already one of the top destinations for Scottish produce .
16 For the articulating principle of hip pie ideology is , in the final analysis , and despite its potential for opposition , embedded within the ideology of the dominant culture itself ( see Clarke et al .
17 It appeared that he would lose money by this cancellation and despite his liking for the seaside he did n't want to go to Bournemouth .
18 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Association 's affairs at November 30 , 1992 and of its deficit for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
19 In particular , Caparo suggested that the auditors were or should have been aware of the fall in Fidelity 's share price during March and of its need for financial assistance .
20 He spoke of the ‘ perilous conflict ’ between Edward and Charles IV and of his desire for peace between them which , if broken , would put ‘ the greater part of Christendom in peril ’ .
21 You come out of the little world of your daily struggle for life , and of your struggle for Germany and for our nation , to experience this feeling for once .
22 ‘ I know that I am dying , ’ he said , ‘ and I am so angry with God for letting it happen , and with my family for refusing to let me work through it . ’
23 Part of the trouble stemmed from a dislike of Sandys ' refusal to heed professional advice , and from his propensity for allowing the senior civil servants in the Ministry of Defence to usurp the powers that properly belonged to the Chiefs of Staff .
24 O God , give your grace to the United Nations Organisation in all its manifold work ; in its work for the children who suffer so much from the injustices of our society , in education and in health , in the relief of poverty and hunger , and in its work for peace .
25 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
26 China was expanding at such a rate that some experts were predicting that by the year two thousand the world would be dominated by Chinese people , both numerically and in their demand for resources .
27 And I found that he was universally right — by which I mean that I was answerable in my body and in my heart for what was done to my brother .
28 I WAS extremely disappointed to see the letter by East Yorkshire 's Dennis Duggan in February 's edition , and in your magazine for printing it .
29 The picture that emerges is of a man both maddening and engaging in his inner spiritual drive , and in his search for a way of living appropriate to its demands .
30 and over his preference for Greece over Turkey .
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