Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 The smaller boroughs also tended to be the most vulnerable to electoral manipulation , either through " treating " , as at a number of venal boroughs , or through tampering with the composition of the franchise .
2 These are activated by the function keys or by clicking with the mouse .
3 At that time women were still employed underground in Cumberland filling the baskets as well as at surface tasks , while the wives of Staffordshire pitmen were said seldom to " do more than attend to the necessary calls of the Family " except for helping with the harvest .
4 Since Mr Hull made it plain that he was not qualified to give an opinion about the painting 's authorship , the plaintiff 's employee must have realised that in proceeding with the purchase he was relying on his own skill and judgment .
5 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
6 It was back to the ‘ miserable refuge ’ of the Lords Act of 1759 with its ‘ great error ’ in giving all to one creditor , which induced many prisoners to stay and waste their property in prisons rather than by complying with the Act , obtain their discharge and be sent back to prison by other creditors .
7 I want to explore what room for manoeuvre individual teachers have , in the middle of all the very real difficulties , for staying positive , and for dealing with the pressures in the most effective way possible .
8 Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process .
9 He was a member of the Medical Research Council 's Burns Unit at Glasgow Royal Infirmary ( 1942-44 ) , and after serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps in north Europe and India he was appointed consultant plastic surgeon to the West of Scotland Plastic and Oral Surgery Service .
10 At around 4.30pm , Chris arrives home and after playing with the children lends a hand with the evening meal , which is something straightforward like a casserole or a pasta dish .
11 Reality itself then became a construct of knowing and being known , and of living with the alternative possibility .
12 Their function is simply that of dealing with the business aspects of terrace life and of negotiating with the outside world .
13 This increased the dislike felt by the Prince for the Empress , a dislike which envenomed personal and also political relationships , for Prince Napoleon seemed henceforth to take a delight in publicly opposing the Emperor 's policies and in quarrelling with the Empress .
14 Mr Smith said : ‘ I had no alternative in the interests of public safety and in conforming with the conditions of the fire certificate .
15 Richard Benson wrote of the method he evolved : " For years I have loved the broad and smooth areas of colour that exist in posters printed by stone lithography , and in working with the halftone screen to reproduce photographs , I have struggled to apply this inherently lithographic quality to the work of the stone 's descendant , the modern offset press …
16 And Hitchcock 's films do demonstrate that a British filmmaker could learn from Hollywood , but yet create distinctive national films , and without breaking with the commercial filmmaking culture as Close Up 's writers proposed .
17 Any moves in this regard will be made only when the time is right , and without interfering with the business .
18 Time will be spent on planning the progress of the material and on liaising with the publishing house .
19 This is accomplished by becoming expert at observing and interpreting non-verbal cues indicating incomprehension , and by exploring with the patient the cause of the break in the chain of communication and correcting it .
20 It can be proved that he was the holder by examining the trade licence itself for the defendant 's name , by an admission from the defendant and by checking with the issuing authority .
21 Victory and profit , together with the king 's affable personality and chivalric reputation , ensured that this co-operation , once offered , would not lightly be withdrawn ; but in dealing with the nobility Edward showed a degree of political skill and a sensitivity to their interests which went beyond simply sharing in a glorious and profitable enterprise abroad .
22 But in agreeing with the philosophers that all we know are ideas , he runs the risk of rejecting altogether any real world .
23 The notice of appeal sets out a number of grounds , but before dealing with the appeal on the merits , I was asked at the outset to rule on what the nature of an appeal from the justices under the Children Act 1989 is , whether it is an appeal in which fresh evidence could be called , that is a full rehearing in the sense that the Crown Court could hear appeals from the juvenile court under the old law .
24 It is here that an anthropological observing participation comes into its own , for in living with the semantics of the system the analyst has the potential to undertake a rarely used method of social research .
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