Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
2 Were you on duty at home or off duty at home ?
3 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
4 An important advantage of this arrangement is the need for as small a portion as possible of this vital protection system to be inoperative in the period immediately following a fire or during periods of maintenance but , there is a further consideration .
5 The Publishers regret that under no circumstances will the magazine accept liability for non-receipt of goods ordered , or for late delivery , or for faults in manufacture .
6 The Publishers regret that under no circumstances will the magazine accept liability for non-receipt of goods ordered , or for late delivery , or for faults in manufacture .
7 In recent months the City 's leading institutions have taken it in turns to come under fire : for regulatory failure , for losing money , for not moving with the times , or for lack of leadership .
8 Those that had not fled out of fear , political animosity to the Bolsheviks , or for lack of food and pay , were apt to be shackled as much by their own situation as by peasant recalcitrance to learn .
9 Data were also excluded when the child developed severe obstructive symptoms from enlargement of the adenoids or tonsils , often with sleep apnoea that required surgical treatment , and when surgery was required to the unoperated ear — for example , insertion of a ventilation tube for severe collapse of the tympanic membrane or for treatment of cholesteatoma .
10 In the second phase , small studies will be undertaken in a number of local authorities to assess the extent to which socio-economic factors account for variations in the rates of children in care in ‘ similar ’ authorities or for patterns of care that are at marked variance with national trends .
11 There is an analogy between teachers ' in-service development and the mounting evidence that intervention in pupils ' careers which take place away from their school have limited value for either pupil rehabilitation or for changes in school ethos ( Topping 1983 ) .
12 Local authorities were to prepare detailed land use plans for their areas against which individual planning applications for new or extended dwellings or for changes in land use were to be evaluated .
13 Enlarging the sample will allow for more reliable analyses at a school , neighbourhood or local level , or for groups of interest such as ethnic minorities or young people in particular occupations or courses of education .
14 The UK sales force fill in a weekly report form which includes questions about competitors — a successful campaign that somebody else has run , or a successful title — and room for suggestions for new titles or for areas of publishing .
15 No compensation was payable for refusal to allow a change in the use of a building ; or for restrictions regarding density , layout , construction , design , and so on ; or for refusal to permit development which would place an undue burden on the community ( for example , in the provision of services ) .
16 The seller has two possible actions ; for the price or for damages for non-acceptance .
17 Charge codes provide a mechanism for organising the storage of modules according to teams and projects , or for reasons of security or accounting .
18 Great for Shareware or for distribution of text disks .
19 This means that in particular colonial discourse analysis is not merely a marginal adjunct to more mainstream studies , a specialized activity only for minorities or for historians of imperialism and colonialism , but itself forms the point of questioning of Western knowledge 's categories and assumptions .
20 They provide a simple equivalent of PEEK and POKE , but they come into their own when used to pass data between CHAINed programs , build complicated data structures or for use with machine code programs .
21 For further information call chairman on or for details on home matches Saughton Sports Centre on . .
22 We have already pointed out that there can be no claim by dependants for grief or for loss of society of the deceased nor can there be any claim on behalf of the children for loss of a mother 's love , guidance and influence .
23 But there may also be : ( 1 ) receipts of mesne profits in the case of subtenants holding over ; ( 2 ) premiums paid for surrenders or lease variations ; ( 3 ) money payable under insurance policies for damage to the scheme or for loss of rent and commissions paid by the insurers to the tenant ; ( 4 ) damages for breach of covenant ( eg dilapidations ) ; ( 5 ) interest on late rent , on reviewed rent , and on damages ; ( 6 ) grants or other public money paid for works to the scheme ; ( 7 ) compensation for compulsory acquisition .
24 Join colleagues for lunch or for drinks after work .
25 ( 4 ) Where a lessor is proceeding by action or otherwise to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture under any covenant , proviso , or stipulation in a lease , or for non-payment of rent , the court may , on application by any person claiming as an under-lessee any estate or interest in the property comprised in the lease or any part thereof , either in the lessor 's action ( if any ) or in any action brought by such person for that purpose , make an order vesting , for the whole term of the lease or any less term , the property comprised in the lease , or any part thereof in any person entitled as under-lessee to any estate or interest in such property upon such conditions as to execution of any deed or other document , payment of rent , costs , expenses , damages , compensation , giving security , or otherwise , as the court in the circumstances of each case may think fit , but in no case shall any such under-lessee be entitled to require a lease to be granted to him for any longer term than he had his original sub-lease .
26 That in the event of the cancellation or lapsing of any such policy , whether at the request of a joint policyholder or for non-payment of premium , or for any other reason , the Insurers will give the Society written notice of the cessation of cover .
27 Similar temptations overcame philosophers concerned with establishing a secure base for individual responsibility ( e.g. as in estoppel and in various forms of vicarious liability , such as conspiracy , agency , authorization or complicity ) or for exemption from liability ( e.g. in doctrines about the assumption of risk ) .
28 Is there any policy scope for local economic initiatives or for devolution of power to Scotland , Wales and the English regions ?
29 What is needed is an investigation into what language teachers in different classrooms in different countries find problematic about conventional practice or about proposals for innovation that have been put forward .
30 Imposed policy decisions which are bound to increase losses or limit capacity may be followed within days by a howl of anguish about the financial state of the organization , or about shortage of supply .
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