Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in through the " in BNC.

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1 Dogs can easily leap over it or get in through the hedge on the south side .
2 Ngo Van Dong and his younger brother , Hoc , huddled close together in the darkness in one of the long huts , their ragged clothes already saturated with the rain that streamed in through the inadequate thatch .
3 By the thin moonlight that filtered in through the frosted glass on the front door , Liz could see that he held a silenced gun , and that its calibre was high .
4 In analysing the information that comes in through the eyes , the brain works ‘ bottom up ’ , piecing together the information from individual retinal cells into larger wholes , and ‘ top down ’ , comparing pre-existing models in the brain with the visual input .
5 They could not open the door , so they climbed down from the roof and got in through the window .
6 They walked briskly over to the two cars and Plumpton bent down and peered in through the windows of the Mini .
7 Bodie nodded towards the door of Flat 30 and Doyle stepped across to it , dropped to a crouch and peered in through the letterbox .
8 At last , under the cover of a black moonless night , Grandfather Denknetzeyan stole over to the house and peered in through the kitchen window .
9 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
10 Across the highway , the driver of the second rig swung his wheel hard over and accelerated in through the gap in the wake of the three fire tenders .
11 He did n't mind losing his board and slogging in through the breaking waves .
12 ‘ I used to walk past it and peep in through the windows and think how much I 'd love to live there , ’ she confesses .
13 and peering in through the front door
14 Raiders lifted tiles and climbed in through the roof space to take the guns and 150 rounds of ammunition .
15 Raiders lifted tiles and climbed in through the roof space to take the guns and 150 rounds of ammunition .
16 On the other hand , two crews decided to run beyond the jetty and get in through the low reeds beyond a willow tree at then end of the jetty .
17 He parked his car and walked in through the yard .
18 McLeish stopped at the door of the interview room and looked in through the spy-hole , wanting to get some feel for the evidently hostile and , by all accounts , neurotic Penelope Huntley .
19 I stopped in the lane for a moment , as I often do , before I climbed the steps to the front door , and looked in through the windows .
20 He waited another second , then shrugged his shoulders and went in through the double doors .
21 The first time she rang the bell and went in through the front doors of the elegant old house where the showrooms were situated ( Mattli had no rear entrance ) Paula felt she was stepping into the place of her dreams .
22 So there I am , during this rather romantic conversation , toying with the little hairs in it 's ears , not knowing whether I should try and get in through the snout or what — but it had a happy ending .
23 Just then Uncle Alfred and Sylvia Swan arrived and peeped in through the gate at the happy crowd .
24 'Bye for now ! ’ she called , and ran in through the imposing front door .
25 McAllister had apologised to Rose for refusing her invitation — she had sewing to do for the bazaar , she said — when the front door had banged shut behind her and she had been compelled to run round to the back and come in through the kitchen .
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