Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If agreement can not be reached , the banks , which include National Westminster and Midland , have the power to close the project or bring in fresh management .
2 Join now at any of the places listed in this leaflet ( and have your entrance money refunded ) or fill in this coupon and send it to : The National Trust , Membership Department , PO Box 39 , Bromley , Kent BR1 1NH .
3 It must have been sheltered by a submarine ridge , for there were no currents to disturb the fine sediments on the floor or to bring in oxygenated water from nearer the surface .
4 One of the messages from the Bill may be that bringing in those schemes and making them work is one way in which the engineers can show that they have as much to contribute in cutting the number of casualties as those who deal with the behavioural side of driving and those who build the bypasses that take traffic away from towns and villages .
5 There are other sections in this book that focus in more detail on various unwanted feelings .
6 Well no , what you want to do , ask that same gang that came in last week ,
7 We will continue , we will continue , you 've lied before and you 'll lie again , and we will continue to consult widely with the electorate and the Trade Unions on local economy , on the local economy that brings in financial matters which affect them .
8 The military council had re-established control in Kutaisi by Jan. 17 , setting up new headquarters in the city and bringing in major reinforcements without resistance .
9 The parallel line docs not simply repeat what has been said , but enriches it , deepens it , transforms it by adding fresh nuances and bringing in new elements , renders it more concrete and vivid and telling .
10 A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer , every participant contributing £100 , and bringing in more people .
11 Far better to take what is , and bring in progressive changes , than to radically alter the whole thing . ’
12 An open policy to trade may be maintained if the nation is doing well economically , but a less successful economic position may lead to swift and much more extreme action to erect trade barriers and bring in other sanctions .
13 ‘ We need a central body to provide a seamless service and bring in new ideas . ’
14 If business people generate greater demand for their products through good marketing , they can increase the supply and bring in greater revenue .
15 But much more important is to think of other trade magazines which might use your information and bring in some customers at the same time .
16 Special offers involving a discount , on the other hand , can both promote the product and bring in some revenue .
17 Jarvis thinks the decision to break with tradition and bring in Indian prodigy Sachin Tendulkar last summer , and take on West Indies captain Richie Richardson next season was the right one .
18 As in Eyre 's ( 1987 ) study , clearance is for agriculture as well as lumber , and coffee growing is increasing to produce an export crop and bring in foreign exchange .
19 Do get together and discuss the problem and send in any ideas you may have to the office .
20 ‘ Well , we could start earlier in the morning and fit in more hours before lunchtime .
21 In general , unless you have very long and gracious windows , I think such windows look neater and let in more daylight if they are covered with blinds or shutters or even some sort of grill or trellis work .
22 In October Swinderby appeared and handed in another defence of a longer set of opinions ; on these he was adjudged heretical , but he managed to escape from custody .
23 We asked people to keep a diary of what they were doing and to fill in this diary every half an hour , saying where they were , who they were with and what they were doing , and we were able to see erm first of all that the range of people that you meet decreases when you 're unemployed , that you 're actually spending more time alone , less time with friends and other people .
24 Cut out and fill in this viewing guide
25 Finally , at the interview check out your assumptions and fill in any gaps .
26 If the floorboards are parallel to the wall , take up the nearest one and fill in any gaps where the joists enter the wall , using a cement and sand mix .
27 The Commercial Service publicized the Government and brought in much-needed revenue : a combination which pleased both politicians and Treasury officials .
28 ‘ I must stress the fact we have visited the homes and brought in 135 juveniles in connection with this inquiry since last Friday . ’
29 Since then , the UK holding company merged with Caradon and brought in new management , and now operates in building products , plastics , central heating equipment and security printing .
30 The publication of It had opened a new front and brought in new troops , and different ones , to the Hoggarts who had testified for Lawrence 's novel .
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