Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] by [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Single genes ( the units of heredity ) can now be transferred , added or deleted by manipulating the genetic material .
2 Analogical representations , however , are understood or interpreted by matching the two structures concerned ( that is , of the representation itself and of the domain represented ) , and their associated inference-procedures , in a systematic way .
3 This is the most satisfying of all the manoeuvres since with enough speed and with the daggerboard retracted the board is turned like a surfboard or ski by weighting the inside edge .
4 The editor and her senior staff must live or die by satisfying the consumer with the product they have to sell — one monthly mag — in order to ensure repeat sales .
5 The diagnosis was confirmed or excluded by applying the criteria mentioned above to the relatives ' medical records from hospitals or private physicians .
6 Experiments with a mirror confirm that the meaning of many famous paintings can be inverted or negated by reversing the picture .
7 The requirement to assess these issues at an early stage and to confirm the special circumstances that exist by obtaining the approval of three partners other than the lead partner is set out at the beginning of this section .
8 Rather than start by discussing the finer points of the various varieties ( covered in an earlier article ) , let's approach the subject literally : a good starting point is the size of Koi to aim for .
9 There 's not getting away from the fact that a perm is a chemical treatment that works by altering the structure of your hair .
10 This is not to suggest , however , that deconstruction in any sense brings another knowledge to bear : rather it involves a critique of Western knowledge that works by exploiting the ambivalent resources of Western writing , as if Marxism were to produce a critique of ideology without the advantage of its science ( which , given the current ambiguous status of Marxist science is not a possibility to be dismissed lightly ) .
11 Once a local authority has identified a need it should produce a plan to meet that need by providing the appropriate services ( Guidance , vol 2 , para 2.10 ) .
12 In order to form an estimate of both the range and the limitations of the record of landholding we can not do better than commence by examining the section devoted to a single parish , Empingham in Rutland .
13 The preamp , apart from delivering as pure a signal as possible , also offers up to 128 fully programmable equalisation and volume settings ; these can then be stored in the D12 's memory and recalled by using the unit 's front-panel keypad , a MIDI controller or the Decimax FC-60 footswitch .
14 Depending on the rock type , the tunnel is either self supporting or shored with metal arches and stabilised by spraying the walls with concrete .
15 Another feature of Party activity in Roslavl' and Smolensk reflected in microcosm top-level efforts in Moscow to divide and rule by setting the Living Church and other sects against the official Orthodox Church .
16 For simple recording with no editing using a single camera system the skills needed can be acquired from reading the manual and developed by using the camera .
17 There were even occasional suggestions that relations between states be eased and simplified by abandoning the whole idea of an order of precedence betwen sovereigns .
18 Like mammals , birds have taste buds only on their tongues , and smell by sniffing the air .
19 The output level is also controlled by a rotary pot but individual patch levels can be adjusted and mixed by accessing the Utility section .
20 To contribute to knowledge and understanding by evaluating the usefulness of the concepts of learned helplessness and self-worth motivation in understanding learning and behavioural difficulties .
21 The head of a narrow strip of lead , zinc or copper , which will form a clip or ‘ tingle ’ , is then fixed to the sliver of batten accessible through the joint exposed by the extracted slate and the slate is slid back into place over this strip and secured by folding the free end of the metal over the lower edge of the slate ( Fig 35 ) .
22 All you need to do is find four people , nominate a team leader , give your team a name , and register by sending the above information and a £20 cheque to The Training Trust , Financial and Legal Sector , 145 Great Charles Street , Birmingham B3 3JR by 4 December .
23 The commentary is largely ignored by an animated audience that talks while watching and participates by applauding the rich images of trays of ripe fruit and tomatoes in the marketplace in Managua , Nicaragua .
24 It took much will-power for the man to drag himself away , presently , on one of Dunbar 's best horses , but consoled and heartened by receiving the best kiss , on parting , that had yet come from Mariot Randolph .
25 The requirements of all nurses must be recognised , and met by allocating the appropriate experience .
26 Many of these difficulties can be anticipated and corrected by testing the questionnaire in field conditions prior to the full-scale study .
27 In order to prevent ‘ combinations of masters to keep down , unjustly , the price of labour ’ he suggests what we would call ‘ co-ownership schemes ’ in industry , and ends by recommending the study of certain of his verses to trade union members .
28 Thus , the gripper 's position can be chosen by selecting settings for joint angles , and measured by reading the torch 's images on the TV pictures .
29 Control if exercised by making the individual user responsible , by name , for the materials issued , even to the point of making a personal issue against a signature .
30 This over-recording can also be measured and offset by running the edit-point on the record-machine forward by the corresponding number of frames .
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