Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] you [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Would you prefer exercise that allows you to mark definite progress in your skill ?
2 ‘ Well , Knut , I 'll put it simply , and bind you to keep this secret from my son .
3 Hardy Hall put you in a rather higher position and invited you to consider some of the long-term implications of the proposed change as well as the immediate problems .
4 Small , compact , puckish , he had the aura of an insatiably inquisitive vole , continually turning over ideas , playing with them , and challenging you to come clean about what you thought .
5 This can take many forms , but the idea is that part of it is strapped around your backside ; this prevents the hook from riding up and allows you to take all the weight of the rig by sitting .
6 It 's useful when you 've got to contact lots of staff or get information to many people at the same time and allows you to put detailed information down .
7 The keyboard is fine to use and allows you to change many of the machine 's settings on the fly — processor clock speed , LCD backlight , switching to an external display , the greyscale colour mapping , and so on .
8 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to express their strong objection to the proposed closure and to urge you to do all in your power to prevent it .
9 This short series is aimed at getting you started with QBasic and getting you to write real programs as quickly as possible .
10 And like they try and tell you to use public transport because there 's too many cars on the road .
11 Erm they try and erm erm sort of push you out the way and tell you to get lost !
12 Now , let's look at some examples and get you to name some of them as well .
13 You are able to run your favourite compiler from within WinEdit and it will monitor the compilers output and allow you to view any warnings or error messages .
14 In fact , well-designed outdoor lighting can create some really spectacular effects and allow you to make full use of your garden during the summer — especially if you have an eating or barbecue area .
15 We 'll push on and take you to have that head looked at . ’
16 I would take the opportunity to present a petition to the County Council containing over six thousand signatures strongly object to this development and asking you to use all of your powers to protect this .
17 President , Congress , , Lancashire Region , speaking on behalf of the C E C. Congress , the C E C are asking you to support motion two three six , support motion two three seven , seek a referral of composite four , referral of motion two four two , and ask you to support two four three .
18 Then they come to you ( the third person principle ) and ask you to make sure they are told of everything in future .
19 The full Moon in Libra on the 10th is bound to shed fresh light on complex situations and enable you to astound those who believe that you are too insecure to compete .
20 The course is designed to broaden your understanding of current changes in the provision of vocational and educational training , to link this theoretical understanding to your professional practice and enable you to produce substantial pieces of work through projects , reports and a dissertation .
21 Er , and if your Lordship is happy to do that then I can open it now and indicate what the case is about and invite you to take some time .
22 A good retailer will enthuse about his stock and tempt you to try new foods .
23 Our scheme aims to promote your strengths and help you to become confident in the use of Mathematics in everyday life .
24 Ideally , it should enable you to burn up a little more energy and help you to become fitter .
25 Your gift is what I have taught you , what I have laid upon your heart and chosen you to use those gifts for me .
26 Although a well-designed sports shoe should absorb the impact on the 28 bones in each foot , claims about miracle technology , making your feet feel fantastic while helping you to attain Olympic standards , should be taken with a pinch of salt .
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