Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was concluded that the media had no business either relaying bad news about government and party policies and activities or suggesting that alternative measures might be better .
2 To verify or disprove that therapeutic vaccines can induce an anti-HIV immune response of such a kind that it has clinical , positive consequences ; and
3 Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not .
4 Do not forget that even if you are a potential council or housing association tenant , you have the right to turn down unsuitable property or demand that certain repairs be carried out before you sign on the dotted line .
5 Some point out that complementary rationales differ from the scientific model of conventional medicine whereas others emphasise the holistic approach or argue that unorthodox views add a missing dimension to today 's orthodox medicine .
6 As the hon. Gentleman knows , it is not general practice to confirm or deny that nuclear tests are about to take place .
7 In June 1968 , they produced a document that announced that young Americans must accept the need for ‘ armed struggle ’ .
8 The rich have greater incentive to oppose redistributive policies in that they have much more to lose , and there are arguments that suggest that risk-averse individuals are keener to defend against a loss than to secure a gain ( see Jones and Cullis 1986 ) .
9 There are several pieces of evidence that suggest that daily rhythms develop spontaneously even in the absence of environmental cues .
10 In view of the current state of the art I can do no more here than suggest that alternative approaches are surely possible .
11 We begin work feeling that certain codes of dress and conduct are acceptable and within six months we have agreed with the norms that indicate that certain codes of dress and conduct are certainly not acceptable .
12 This is the argument that suggests that senior officers are rather like Sir Humphrey figures in Yes Minister , who take the view that there 's nothing wrong with the government except for all these elected clowns that clutter the place up
13 Certainly there are no profound conclusions to be drawn from that fact , except to note that various forms of contraception were beginning to be practised from the 1870s onwards , with a steady decline in the national birth-rate apparent during the following decade .
14 This study was carried out to determine the number of haemophilic patients seropositive for HIV antibodies and the mortality from HIV infection and to confirm that young children were not being exposed to the virus .
15 The committee , how ever , sensibly note the long list of exceptions to this rule and insist that pre-recorded videos should be added .
16 While accepting that officers must adapt to political reality — by , for example , being prepared when invited to attend party groups subject to certain safeguards — it rejected any move towards a ‘ spoils system ’ in local government , and recommended that principal officers should be prohibited from engaging in political activity , including standing for council office .
17 The Elton Committee expressed particular concern about the impact on a school of bullying and racial harassment , and recommended that head teachers and staff be alert to signs of such behaviour , deal firmly with it , and ‘ take action based on clear rules which are backed by appropriate sanctions and systems to protect and support victims ’ .
18 It welcomed the application in principle , declaring that there were no insurmountable obstacles to Swedish membership , and recommended that formal negotiations be opened early in 1993 .
19 The authorities were disconcerted , however , when the broadcasts provoked an extraordinary wave of rumours , mostly concerned with town clocks , and suggesting that German spies were everywhere .
20 The Supreme Soviet ordered the authorities in those republics to set up referendum organizing commissions without delay , and ruled that alternative referendums on independence being held in some of those republics [ see p. 38014 and below ] did not constitute a legitimate substitute for the all-union referendum .
21 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
22 Binder Hamlyn supported the implementation of an accounts-system authorisation process for all new firms setting up in practice , and agreed that twice-yearly visits by the reporting accountant to check balances and examines files would be productive .
23 On April 16 , Banda dissolved the National Assembly and announced that legislative elections would be held in May or June .
24 This account provoked an immediate riposte from Postman ( 1955 ) , who objected that no mechanism had been specified to explain the process by which differentiation occurs and argued that associative processes constituted a possibility .
25 In 1829 Elie de Beaumont put forward the idea that the Earth is contracting and argued that compressional stresses set up in the crust as a result of the cooling of the Earth 's interior would give rise to faulting , folding and thickening of the crust , and eventually to the formation of mountain ranges .
26 Benelux in particular objected to the vigour with which de Gaulle and France were pushing the Fouchet Plan , and argued that fundamental decisions such as those raised by the plan should be deferred until at least the question of British membership of the EEC had been resolved .
27 She also made it clear that Conductive Education is not the only method , and admitted that other methods are used with success .
28 Dealers generally found trading better than they had expected — or feared — and reported that French clients , notoriously sensitive to political events , had been reassured by the right wing 's win in the General Election and the appointment of Prime Minister Edouard Balladur 's new Government .
29 DES guidelines ( 1988b ) warn the sensitivity of this area of personnel relations and suggest that governing bodies take account of existing good practice in their LEA when establishing their own procedures .
30 In one study , based on an analysis of five high-school textbooks , Fitzgerald took six sets of three samples from each book , and found that individual samples spanned a range of at least ten grades within each book , and the means of the sets of three had on average a range of three grades within each book .
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